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Forums - General Discussion - "Newcomer's Introduction Thread"- What brought you here?

spurgeonryan said:
RedInker said:
Hello I'm RedInker and I am a British person. Also I drink a lot of tea.

Yes! Finally some clarification. Do you also eat Spotted Dick and Smoked Kippers?

Sorry it took me so long to reply old chap, had to make myself another cup of tea. (seriously) I have ate spotted dick and am fond of smoked kippers. However it's all about Fish 'n' Chips.

Around the Network

I've eaten Spotted dick and unspotted dick before and I have to say i enjoy the latter alot more.

This website used to be so awesome back in the day. I used to be 'cool' and 'popular'. There used to be awesome people like NFG and I'm sure there's more

hackles said:
This website used to be so awesome back in the day. I used to be 'cool' and 'popular'. There used to be awesome people like NFG and I'm sure there's more

Nintendo Fan Girl is still here, her new account is Tino Vainamoinen.

Jericho is a pretty good show

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
What is an nfg? Thanks for sharing hackles! Coincidentally the site is still cool. Its just that the old members have seen it all and are not creative anymore.
Hackles is also in charge of the Kid Icarus and Mario kart league.

But really, that just shows my age on this site (And I'm only 15!)

And thanks for introducing me!

Wow, you guys even thought enough about me in the OP to put my Display pic in the pic? I'm touched.

I was told to come here to introduce myself, but, judging by the pic in the OP, I don't think I need to anymore.

It has been awhile since I last posted here. I had issues getting to the site because of work firewalls. I am a big fan of rpgs and strategy games. I also like to go out to movies and concerts quite a bit as well.

The OP pic is pretty well done. I recognize a lot of the pictures in there.

Welcome everyone! I am Rudisha :)

Howdy from Australia!!
Just a regular guy who :
-love/plays basketball (Damn Derrick Rose couldn't help the Bulls)
-love rock musics : Nirvana, Chili peppers, Seether, innerpartysystem, linkin park to name a few.
-fav movies : Matrix, Lord of the ring, Austin powers and most of the super heo movies.
-love gaming (of course this to be expected otherwise I should't be here!) Have a PS3, Wii and PC. Best of everything!!

-hate tv, bloody ads that wasting time!
-hate satanist corporations like M$, Apple, coca cola, tobacco, alcohol, medical drugs etc
-hate politics

This site looks like a great gaming community, so I thought of joining up!
Cheers and happy gaming!