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Forums - General Discussion - Is this even a reason to get banned?

badgenome said:
Blacksaber said:
I really hope your joking when you don't understand why you have such a reputation, cause if not that's just saddening.

Is that how I taught you to talk to people?

Yeah this is how you taught me how to talk to people.....

Former something....

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Blacksaber said:
badgenome said:
Blacksaber said:
I really hope your joking when you don't understand why you have such a reputation, cause if not that's just saddening.

Is that how I taught you to talk to people?

Yeah this is how you taught me how to talk to people.....

Ah. Guess I fucked up there.

KylieDog said:
Aj_habfan said:
The picture was a "leaked" photo of Microsoft's roster for their take on the Cross Fighting Genre, and it featured an entire character selection scene of Masterchief in different poses.

Pretty funny actually, but you've created a reputation for yourself. You can only get away with stiring the pot so many times before mods have had enough.

That does sound funny.

Some people cannot handle a joke I assume if it needs poke a bit of cheeky fun.  I would never have taken that as an attempt to troll personally.

Glad ya feel me dawg, should I add you on PSN?

Yea it seems harsh to me, but i wouldn't take it to harshly just keep on typing.

well...i received one too, and that I don't remember the moderator " just stay out of halo threads." that's what the warning admin needs to watch those.

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I got banned because I wrote N**** in a sarcastic way. But getting banned for the Xbox fighter picture, thats very harsh. That picture is very funny(because its true )

I have 18 moderations. How much do you have turkish?

I remember the pic. You shouldn't have gotten banned.What the picture implies is definitely true.
The 360 doesn't have enough exclusive franchises to support a crossover fighting game. Hell the PS3 game barely has enough and that has 3 generations of consoles to borrow from.

Whoever got offended by that has to grow up a bit.

zero129 said:
AndrewWK said:
I got banned because I wrote N**** in a sarcastic way. But getting banned for the Xbox fighter picture, thats very harsh. That picture is very funny(because its true )

Please do explain how its true?.

because that and gears of war are the only Xbox "exclusives" 

Turkish said:

Lately I was banned for posting an image I found on another forum. I thought it was funny so I shared it here on Vgchartz, to my surprise axumblade banned me: "You are receiving this message for violation of forum rules regarding Trolling (The "xbox 360 has no games" joke is getting old. ) [Post Reference] Please review the forum rules here to avoid future moderation action. Banned: 7 days"

In no way did I imply that xbox 360 had no games. In no way did I try to start an argument or flame. My intention was just simple: posting a funny picture. How can you even classify this as trolling??

Ironically, the guy who posted that picture on the other forum was not banned.

The moderation on this site is abysmal to say the least. I was banned due to a moderator having a tantrum because he didn't like it when he, and others in the thread, were told about reality. I complained to axumblade  about it  who weakly tried to justify it, bouncing from one point to another, and then fell silent after trying to suggest the moderator warned himself for his own behaviour in the thread, suggesting some sort of moderator seppuku. He also suggested several times that mass opinion is all that matters, so regardless of content, if enough people report you, you will be warned/banned etc. 
All that type of moderation does is create a very closed community that is wholy unwelcoming to new users and good debate, two vital ingredients for a successful forum. On a site where many users ditch logic in favour of brand loyalty, the moderation should be incredibly tight, not siding with what is anti-social and frankly embarrassing behaviour.