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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Now that God of War has fallen into the MultiPlayer darkside, What other good singleplayer games are left?

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I still don't see why you're identifying multiplayer as a factor to Uncharted 3's decrease in quality. There are many other factors which could have affected Uncharted 3's quality like Naughty Dog losing quality, The Last Of Us development, franchise fatigue, your tastes changing, etc.

I think the main problem with your thought process is the fact that Uncharted 2 also had multiplayer, yet you thought it was great. This proves that multiplayer does not hinder the single player's quality. Using your logic, I could just as easily say that Uncharted 3 dropped in quality, in your opinion, because it incorporated stealth mechanics. Neither of these makes sense because Uncharted 2 had these things also.

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what's wrong with the multiplayer. I'm all about the multiplayer.

Jay520 said:
I still don't see why you're identifying multiplayer as a factor to Uncharted 3's decrease in quality. There are many other factors which could have affected Uncharted 3's quality like Naughty Dog losing quality, The Last Of Us development, franchise fatigue, your tastes changing, etc.

I think the main problem with your thought process is the fact that Uncharted 2 also had multiplayer, yet you thought it was great. This proves that multiplayer does not hinder the single player's quality. Using your logic, I could just as easily say that Uncharted 3 dropped in quality, in your opinion, because it incorporated stealth mechanics. Neither of these makes sense because Uncharted 2 had these things also.

My thinking is that with UC2, the first version of the MP wasn't outstanding, it wasn't half hearted, not outstanding either. That is because a lot of attention was given to the SP.

In U3, after the success of the MP in Uc2, a lot more effort went into the MP. IMO not much new was added to the SP with a lot taken out. therefore, I conclude the SP suffered as a result of the MP.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Fair enough. I personally think the Naughty Dog split for TLoU was way more impactful than the improved multiplayer. If there was no TLoU, I'm confident that UC3 would have been as good as UC2.

Ajescent said:
Heavenly_King said:
Ajescent said:
Heavenly_King said:
Ajescent said:

God of War now has Multiplayer because that's so necessary. In my opinion, games that were originally SP  but later go on to include MP often end up losing the quality of the SP.

Uncharted 3

Admittedly that's the only game that comes to mind right now because I always try to avoid Multiplayer games if I can help it.

Now that GoW is gone, I'm now worried that games built exclusively for the lone-player will be a thing of the past and all your future games will force you to play with some random on the other side of the world or whatever.

Should I be worried or is this not a sign of things to come?

mmm...Not sure if serious.

UC3 according to you may not be as good as UC2, but for a lot of people is way better. Just because you think something, it does not make it true/right/norm.

Also, I remember the time when most people said that about Uncharted 2, .....and if I remember correctly was 100X better than the previous installment according to 90% of the reviewers and most PS3 gamers.

So your comment is invalid.

PS: A game that I think could fit your thread more accurately is ME3.

There is something called "a personal opinion", I'm not sure if you've heard of it.

When most people like something and a minority does not (including you) it means by consensus that the "something" is good.   By having your opinion you express your uncertainty about what you are saying and yet in your post (even though the word opinion is in it) you are already implying those ideas as "true ideas" (And I have already proved you are wrong) making your conclusion that GOW is gone and that it will be a piece of crap that will never be great again.  Obviously those are not your words, but you get the idea.

Just because it is a "personal opinion" it does not mean that it could not be wrong. An opinion is based on judgement, and the latter is based on facts; and the facts you used to make your judgement are wrong, making your judgement and your opinion not correct according to the events you are referring; making your comment invalid.

Extreme example: Racism was considered true and just a few hundred years ago, does that mean it was right? No There might have been a minority then who where against it and their opinions were disregarded simply because they were in the minority.

In this scenario: I maintain that in my opinion, the single player was lacking when compared to previous installments. I reserve and execute the right to say it sucks. Now the populous will disagree and they have the right to do so, does not mean I have to conform to them. It means I have the right to stand my ground as much as they do theirs.

The problem here is that you are not talking about opinions, you are talking about actions. If you do something like that over and over again, it means you are 100% sure about it; invalidating the concept of opinion. I mentioned before that if most like something, that makes it "good" according to a certain purpose by consensus; but that does not means they are right (according to them they will obviously be right lol).   I said you were wrong because you are already saying that the game will be bad based on your experience with somes games that most people like, (making them good by consensus).   The concepts of good/bad; and right/wrong are independent.  

You can say that something according to you sucks? yeah.  Could you say that something will universally be crap based on your experience? nope, (you did it with "Now that GoW is gone").   You have concluded on a "universal truth", based on facts that are not right, making you wrong.

Your facts: Those are bad games in contrast to the previous ones.      True facts: By consensus they are great games, better than the previous one.

You have the right to stand your ground, but that does not means you are right.   Your ideas in the answers are mostly right; but when you try to defend your first post which ends with an "absolute conclusion" based on wrong facts, it is......"weird".    You are defending that you can have opinions, but that post stopped being an opinion when you implied that GOW: ASCENSION will be a piece of crap.

Maybe you did not meant it that way, but that is how it is understood.  Maybe it would have been better to write it in a different way.

PS: By writing this, I see myself like this: (lol)


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Jay520 said:
Fair enough. I personally think the Naughty Dog split for TLoU was way more impactful than the improved multiplayer. If there was no TLoU, I'm confident that UC3 would have been as good as UC2.

Now imagine if you actually felt UC3 was better than UC2 while ND are working on a new IP.

Crazy aint it? We're out there ya know! ^_^

Heavenly_King said:

At no time have I said my opinion is fact.

At no time have I said what I said is gospel. 

So I have no idea where you are getting this from

Jay has a better arguement as well as others on here.

You outright saying because the populous says A therefore A is right is outright irritating.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

pezus said:
Nem said:
pezus said:
Nem said:

To be honest multiplayer modes on single player modes tend to be lackluster and take out from the sigle player quality.

Indeed im of the opinion that single player and online multiplayer should be separated. The content and quality of a game built from the ground up to deliver an engaging online envyronment cant be compared to the barebones, boring offer of single player games multiplayer mode. Without any doubt these modes are just an effort to get more microtransaction money from suckers.


Also, when i want a single player game why the hell am i paying for a crapy multiplayer one? Might aswell separate them and offer quality experiences on both.

I highly disagree with this. Games can definitely have a great single-player as well as multi-player. Naughty Dog did it, why don't you think SSM can do it? They are basically running the whole Sony games show.

Believe me, no multiplayer experience on single player console games is worth the trouble. Its not even comparable to full fledge onlineMMO's in content,scope and quality.

What you're getting on uncharted 3 is sub-par compared to the real thing (massive online persistant worlds).

So you basically want only SP games and MMO games?

Yes, thats basically what i meant.

Its better to have fleshed out experiences that are worth your money on each field than half-assed ones on the other.

Ajescent said:
Heavenly_King said:

At no time have I said my opinion is fact.

At no time have I said what I said is gospel. 

So I have no idea where you are getting this from

Jay has a better arguement as well as others on here.

You outright saying because the populous says A therefore A is right is outright irritating.

for real??  Your answer is quite amusing RE LOL.

I have not said that at all, which means you have not understand anything I have written.  I will sumarise some ideas in a simple way.   I am saying that if the populous says A, then as a consensus A is good, but it does not make them right. Got it now?  As I said before right/wrong and good/bad are independent. Do you even read what I wrote??

Just as you said, opinions and true facts are different things, and yet you dont realize that in your first post you have forgotten that.  By saying "GOW is gone now" what did you mean then? Just because the word opinion is in your sentence it does not make it an opinion. The way you express your thoughts is fundamental in order to achieve the goal you are after.

Also since your first answer our conversation began to be all about, definitions about opinions and facts, and we have not discussed a thing about multiplayer in single player games, because you deviated the conversation.  I was expecting some kind of proof of how U3 is so bad or something like that, in order to refute the idead that you were talking about untrue facts, but no, you instead began talking about something else.    I was telling you that your statement since the moment of conception was wrong (the "opinion" and the conclusion), because you were talking about untrue facts.   And I proved it by posting the example of Uncharted 2.     The conclusion you reach at the end was not an opinion by how you expressed it.  

So considering our deviation from the main topic, it is obvious that my arguments are not better or worst than any other argument here, according to the main purpose of the thread.

If you begin talking how/why U3 is a piece of crap (not your words I know), then we can start having a conversion about the main topic.   Proof me that my example of U2 is wrong, that is all I am asking.

It seems Bioshock Infinite will be the next one with added Multiplayer options, will be worth the delay?