Ajescent said:
Extreme example: Racism was considered true and just a few hundred years ago, does that mean it was right? No There might have been a minority then who where against it and their opinions were disregarded simply because they were in the minority. In this scenario: I maintain that in my opinion, the single player was lacking when compared to previous installments. I reserve and execute the right to say it sucks. Now the populous will disagree and they have the right to do so, does not mean I have to conform to them. It means I have the right to stand my ground as much as they do theirs. |
The problem here is that you are not talking about opinions, you are talking about actions. If you do something like that over and over again, it means you are 100% sure about it; invalidating the concept of opinion. I mentioned before that if most like something, that makes it "good" according to a certain purpose by consensus; but that does not means they are right (according to them they will obviously be right lol). I said you were wrong because you are already saying that the game will be bad based on your experience with somes games that most people like, (making them good by consensus). The concepts of good/bad; and right/wrong are independent.
You can say that something according to you sucks? yeah. Could you say that something will universally be crap based on your experience? nope, (you did it with "Now that GoW is gone"). You have concluded on a "universal truth", based on facts that are not right, making you wrong.
Your facts: Those are bad games in contrast to the previous ones. True facts: By consensus they are great games, better than the previous one.
You have the right to stand your ground, but that does not means you are right. Your ideas in the answers are mostly right; but when you try to defend your first post which ends with an "absolute conclusion" based on wrong facts, it is......"weird". You are defending that you can have opinions, but that post stopped being an opinion when you implied that GOW: ASCENSION will be a piece of crap.
Maybe you did not meant it that way, but that is how it is understood. Maybe it would have been better to write it in a different way.
PS: By writing this, I see myself like this: (lol)