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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crysis 3 not coming to the Wii U

Viper1 said:

UE3 on iPhone is not exactly the same UE3 on the HD consoles but UE3 is designed to be scalable.

CryEngine 3 is not scalable to iPhone and Android.  It was designed with the PC and HD consoles in mind.   And it was a breeze for Crytek to port the engine over the Wii U.  That would be very hard to do if the Wii U was not at least as powerful as the 2 HD consoles.  

Thrid, think of PC games for a moment.  Doesn't the same game run on various level of hardware?  From an HD 6990 down to an HD 4670.  Not pwoerful enough to run a game doesn't even make any sense these days.  You might have lower frame rates, less post processing and shader operations, the lighting engine may be reduced but to say the Wii U can't even run the game when the engine is designed for fixed hardware on consoles is silly.

Finally, the Wii is handlign every other multiplatform game just fine.  Many claiming it was super easy to get the game up and running.  I'd hae to say that if the Wii U can run those games as well or better than the HD cosnoles, than it most certainly can also run Crysis 3...if not, by this logic, neither can the PS3 or X360.

Um Cryengine is scaleable to the iPhone, they are making Fibble with it.

PC games are built to be scalable tho, they have (for the most part) multiple different settings and sets of assets so you can have the game running on different hardware, Crysis 2 DX11 won't run on non DX11 hardware but the game has a DX9 version that will that is 2 different renderers it also has different levels of assets to insure it will run on a wide range of hardwar. If someone made a game that only used the DX11 version of Cryengine 3's renderer then the game would need DX11 hardware to run it, even if the engine will run on DX9 hardware fine.

I was not dissagreeing that the Wii U could run Crysis 3, just the statement that because the platform will run the engine any game built on the engine can automatically be able to run on the hardware. 

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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zarx said:

Um Cryengine is scaleable to the iPhone, they are making Fibble with it.

I believe that's a mobile version of CryEngine 3.  It's not the same exact engine being used on PC, X360, PS3 and Wii U.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
zarx said:

Um Cryengine is scaleable to the iPhone, they are making Fibble with it.

I believe that's a mobile version of CryEngine 3.  It's not the same exact engine being used on PC, X360, PS3 and Wii U.

Well the PS3 version of Cryengine 3 isn't "exactly" the same as the PC version ether, PC version is DX bassed which obviusly is going to run on PS3 plus they have a different job system for the Cell on the CPU side. But I am not sure how different the iOS version is, in the press release for Fibble they said it was running on Cryengine, I know they haven't added iOS support to the SDK yet but that seems to lag behind on most features which leads modders/indies to bitch about it lol.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Viper1 said:
Mazty said:

The controller....a poor man's tablet. In the era of smart phones and tablets who is going to be blown away by a tablet wannabe? Very few people, that's who. That's why I don't reference it; because it's 3 years too late to the party. 
You obviously have a very stressful life if questions over the Wii U aggravate you...Most people find things like work, partners, bills etc frustrating...

Why are you in this thread again?  Or even the Nintendo section?

Your intent with every post I've read has been to berate Nintendo in some manner.

Someone asked why I hadn't mentioned the controller and that was my reply. Why the pointless comment? I'm not berating Nintendo; I don't care about specific companies, I just do not think highly of the Wii U and have stated why. What's wrong to replying to someone's question? Is there a rule that if you do not think highly of a product (an unreleased one, meaning your guess at the outcome is as good as mine) you cannot speak about it? What Orwellian thinking you have. 

Everyone, let me clear this up. The Crysis games are not that great. In terms of gameplay, they are comparable to a bad N64 shooter. However, they look very pretty. Most people that buy this on PC are only buying it for benchmarks purposes. Hell, that's why I bought it.

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Viper1 said:
zarx said:
Viper1 said:
VGKing said:
Argh_College said:
Wii U doesnt have the power to run the game.

True. People will still deny that though. 
E3 can't come soon enough.

Crysis 3 is coming to PS3 and X360 running on CryEngine 3.   Crytek ported over CryEngine 3 to Wii U last year.

I'd love to hear yoru technical explanation on how the Wii U is powerful enough to run the engine but not powerful enough to run the game.

While I have no doubt that the Wii U will be capable of running Crysis 3, but that post is stupid. UE3 can run on a iPhone 4 or in flash, doesn't mean thata game like Gears of War 3 for example could run, not without drastically changing the game.

UE3 on iPhone is not exactly the same UE3 on the HD consoles but UE3 is designed to be scalable.

CryEngine 3 is not scalable to iPhone and Android.   It was designed with the PC and HD consoles in mind.   And it was a breeze for Crytek to port the engine over the Wii U.  That would be very hard to do if the Wii U was not at least as powerful as the 2 HD consoles.  

Thrid, think of PC games for a moment.  Doesn't the same game run on various level of hardware?  From an HD 6990 down to an HD 4670.  Not pwoerful enough to run a game doesn't even make any sense these days.  You might have lower frame rates, less post processing and shader operations, the lighting engine may be reduced but to say the Wii U can't even run the game when the engine is designed for fixed hardware on consoles is silly.

Finally, the Wii is handlign every other multiplatform game just fine.  Many claiming it was super easy to get the game up and running.  I'd hae to say that if the Wii U can run those games as well or better than the HD cosnoles, than it most certainly can also run Crysis 3...if not, by this logic, neither can the PS3 or X360.

You don't port an engine you simply work on it using a. Devkit I'm not sure I follow how an engine can change between platfroms it's the same program.

Snesboy said:
Everyone, let me clear this up. The Crysis games are not that great. In terms of gameplay, they are comparable to a bad N64 shooter. However, they look very pretty. Most people that buy this on PC are only buying it for benchmarks purposes. Hell, that's why I bought it.

I don't know i find it a bit better than most FPS games due to the cloak and power ups, but is still generic as generic FPS are.

But that's me , I find most games that people love are extremely generic, ala gears of war to me this is the most generic overrated third person shooter Ive played, he'll not even uncharted which I find extremely overrated is as generic as Gears, I have a hard time people actually enjoy the single player and it's stupid story.

On the other hand I find Halo to be fantastic, unlike most who love to hate on it and call it overrated.

Snesboy said:
Everyone, let me clear this up. The Crysis games are not that great. In terms of gameplay, they are comparable to a bad N64 shooter. However, they look very pretty. Most people that buy this on PC are only buying it for benchmarks purposes. Hell, that's why I bought it.

Whip out Goldeneye and I think you'll see how expectations nowadays greatly surpasses most games of the past.

I wasn't a fan of Crysis 1 or 2 (need to play Warhead), but they aren't bad; they're just generic.

Gearbox just stated a few days ago the Wii U is most certainly not weaker than the PS3 or X360 else they never would be putting Aliens: Colonial Marines on the system.

I think we can take the whole concept that the Wii U isn't powerful enough to run Crysis 3 and stick it back in the silly box where it belongs.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

zero129 said:
VGKing said:
Argh_College said:
Wii U doesnt have the power to run the game.

True. People will still deny that though. 
E3 can't come soon enough.

You think Wii U wont be powerful enough to play Crysis 3?. so you think its going to be weaker then the xbox 360/PS3?. Only reason you cant wait for E3 is cos you are hoping it will be weaker like you have been trying to say all along. I cant wait for E3 to shut up all the haters once and for all.

We know the Wii U is using a Power 7 CPU, we know its using an ATI 700 GPU both of them are alot more powerfull then what we had last gen. And for Nintendo to make them components weaker would cost them more money then it would be worth. So the is no way is the Wii U going to be weaker then the PS3 or the 360.  Unless you can show me prove of "REAL" Devs saying the Wii U is going to be weaker then the 360/PS3 your whole post just sounds like a troll bait and im thinking of reporting you for such. And this is not the first time you have done such things...

I really don't give a crap how powerful the Wii U is. Nintendo consoles aren't really known for HD graphics.
I have realistic expectations. Even if the Wii U could run Crysis 3, I doubt it would sell, so Crytek won't port it over. 

If you are expecting the Wii U to get all the big 3rd party titles, you will be very disappointed this E3. Third Party companies have a bad history with Nintendo. This won't just get fixed overnight.