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Viper1 said:
Mazty said:

The controller....a poor man's tablet. In the era of smart phones and tablets who is going to be blown away by a tablet wannabe? Very few people, that's who. That's why I don't reference it; because it's 3 years too late to the party. 
You obviously have a very stressful life if questions over the Wii U aggravate you...Most people find things like work, partners, bills etc frustrating...

Why are you in this thread again?  Or even the Nintendo section?

Your intent with every post I've read has been to berate Nintendo in some manner.

Someone asked why I hadn't mentioned the controller and that was my reply. Why the pointless comment? I'm not berating Nintendo; I don't care about specific companies, I just do not think highly of the Wii U and have stated why. What's wrong to replying to someone's question? Is there a rule that if you do not think highly of a product (an unreleased one, meaning your guess at the outcome is as good as mine) you cannot speak about it? What Orwellian thinking you have.