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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most disappointing game you've ever owned?

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FF on PSX were more 2d than 3d.........characters were awful while exploring, but during combat they were pretty good, and summoning and other stuff was AMAZING! visually speaking miles ahead anything seen before

Dont u have something to write about, Writer? go ahead

too bad i cant reply on this crappy device

To sum up
- Zelda and Mario games are much better in 3d
- Starfox adventures is the best Starfox game to date
- Skyrim is crap

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i forgot
- Zelda Oot and Mario 64 have aged better than Zelda alttp and Mario 3/ world

DieAppleDie said:
FF on PSX were more 2d than 3d.........characters were awful while exploring, but during combat they were pretty good, and summoning and other stuff was AMAZING! visually speaking miles ahead anything seen before

What? The same monotoned polygons against other monotoned polygons? How exactly is that "visually miles ahead"? The detail isn't exactly rich, you know. The summons seemed to be more about promoting such visuals than being part of the gameplay. So tell me why I have to put the conteoller down for 1-2 minutes to watch this?

The difference is, Final Fantasy 6's summons were quick and effective, which is needed under the Active Time Battle system. The ATB system was designed to keep you on your toes, not to sit back and watch visuals of monotoned primitives in a display of "look what our development team can do!"

Runa216 said:

I actually have Morrowind Game of the Year edition on Steam, as well as Oblivion and Skyrim, becuase..why not? I didn't mind Morrowind, but it's kinda nothing compared to Skyrim.  after playing skyrim I don't think I can return to another Elder Scrolls game.

Skyrim is good yes, wasn't nearly as dissapointing as Oblivion after playing an ungodly amount of Morrowind. Skryim still streamlined a few things I wished they hadn't. Leveling up is not nearly the experience it use to be, all skill bonus based and statless. I suppose it provides uniformity but I'm one of those perfectionist numbers based misers. Combat is something else in skyrim but I can't say I liked the route they took with spells or enchanting. It still has autotravel which I think is ridiculous. It's like having a character that can teleport from day one. Why not just incorporate more modes a transportation? I used those buggies once to get to each city and than never again. I know you don't have to use it, but its there and expected. Quests are pretty easy now that it points you in the right direction, kind of wish it would just stop at guiding you to the cave or house and leave the rest up to you with descriptions after each step.

Download a few mods for morrowind to help with visuals, helps it age.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

you were not there when the shit came out, were u?
if u cant see the difference between exploration mode and battle mode then ..................well, put your glasses on

DieAppleDie said:
you were not there when the shit came out, were u?
if u cant see the difference between exploration mode and battle mode then ..................well, put your glasses on

If I wasn't there at the time, why would I be saying earlier games were better.

You've failed to give any reason why monotoned polygons are considered visually superior to well detailed sprites. Am I to assume that you have none?