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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

Watched Paul Blart : Mall Cop for the first time its decent but mostly forgettable.

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I haven't watched Zookeeper yet but the Kevin James movie I liked best since he stopped doing TV was I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.  Also even though Paul Blart is only medicore its still way better then Grown Ups which I thought was terrible.   Its funny that you brought up the Green Mile since I'm probably going to rewatch it very soon since I have the Blu-ray version now.  I also going to rewatch another movie that features Michael Clarke Duncan (RIP) Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby which I also bought when I got Paul Blart.

I finished watching MGS2 HD recently, as a movie it's quite entertaining. The gameplay is pretty dated by now but the HD cut scenes still hold up well. Hideo's style reminds me a lot of westerns, lots of slow pans and zooms and characters sizing each other up for long moments. It was also easier to follow all the rather insane plot twists this time, since I already knew where to go and what to do. It still took 10 hours for the whole movie.

Now I'm playing/watching MGS3 HD. It's not bad as a Bond movie. Great opening, and some fun references to the first bond movies as well. It has a nice mix of fantasy and news items of the 60's.
It's interesting how tastes change, when I first played it on ps2 I couldn't wait for the cut scenes and talking to be over. This time if a game play sections lasts too long I start getting bored.

So I re watched The Green Mile and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (the unrated and uncut version) on Blu-ray. The Green Mile is still great also watched some of the special features and I'm glad that they hired another actor to play Tom Hanks part when he was very old. Tom Hanks in old man makeup would have been less effective. Talladega Nights is still pretty good also Laughing Clown Malt Liquor has to be one of the best fake products to ever appear in a movie. Also watched Warner Brothers answer to Paul Blart, Observe and Report on DVD it was decent I and the ending was pretty good. Still have about a dozen DVD movies that I haven't watched yet.

pezus said:
spurgeonryan said:
Chris Hu said:
Watched Paul Blart : Mall Cop for the first time its decent but mostly forgettable.

I would say that his best one since leaving TV has been Zoolander. But he had a lot of help with the Animals( talking animals).


The other night I tried to watch Godzilla with Mathew Broderick again. Could not do it. Too many slow parts. The first helicopter chase scene was fun though. I saw someone in it that I wanted to mention, but now I cannot remember the name.


Last night my GF was reading The Green Mile. I then proceeded to tell her she did not have to since it was already made into a movie. Sadly we only caught the middle so I turned it off. It was the part where the pain in the ass was put in a straight jacket. Forgot all about that guy!

You mean the Iron Man 2/Moon actor?

I'm pretty sure that is who he is talking about unless he is takling about the prison ward that ends up in the mental institution who is also a pain in the ass but also kills the other pain in the ass.

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I don't think Berry Peppers ever was a big deal his best role is still when he played that sniper in Saving Private Ryan.  Before I re watched The Green Mile the last time I saw him in another movie was also in a western he is in the remake of True Grid where he is almost unrecognizable as one of the bad guys.  His next big role is probably also in a western since he has a part in The Lone Ranger.

Ugh, that looks terrible I hope it fails like the Total Recall reeboot.  It looks like Raiden from Metal Gear.

spurgeonryan said:

Berry Pepper....Well he seemed to be sort of big or on his way.


Anyone see this?




AHHHH!!!! :O New Robo cop suit. Looks horrible and still 80's.

That is awfull. Truely awfull. Why is his hand showing. Shoot him in the hand and you got a disabled RoboCop.

spurgeonryan said:

Here is a list of indie horror movies that I found that are supposed to be good. Anyone see any of them?


The 3rd Floor  (2007, Directed by Tom Dolan, Adam Gilliam and Steve Hudgins)
7 Down (???, Directed by Tyler L. Schmid)
Awaken the Dead (2006, Written and Directed by Jeff Brookshire)
Beastly Boyz (2006, Directed by David DeCoteau )
Bikini Bloodbath (2006, Written and Directed by Jonathan Gorman and Thomas Edward Seymour)
Bikini Bloodbath Carwash (2008, Written and Directed by Jonathan Gorman and Thomas Edward Seymour)
Bled White (2010, Directed by Jose Carlos Gomez)
Blood for the Muse (2001, Directed by Terry West)
By Appointment Only  (2007, Written and Directed by John Faust)
Cannibal Flesh Riot (2007, Written and Directed by Gris Grimly)
The Cellar Door (2007, Directed by Matt Zettell)
Chillerama (2011, Written and Directed by Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Adam Rifkin and tim Sullivan)
The Commune (2009, Written and Directed by Elisabeth Fies)
Cowboy Killer (2008, Directed by Jason Baustin)
Creature of the Night (2007, Directed by Diana Curry)
The Cry (2008, Written and Directed by Bernadine Santistevan)
D4 (2010, Written and Directed by Darrin Dickerson)
The Dark Lurking (2008 est., Written and Directed by Greg Connors)
Death of a Dummy [short] (2011, Written and Directed by Jesse Waugh)
Destined to be Ingested (2008, Directed by Sofian Khan>
The Devil's Music (2008, Written and Directed by Pat Higgins)
Eat Your Heart Out(2007 est., Directed by James Tucker)
Familiar (2011, Written and Directed by Richard Powell)
The Feed (2010, Directed by Steve Gibson)
Ferozz: Wild Riding Hood (2010, Directed by Jorge Molina)
A Foundling (2010, Written and Directed by Carly Lyn)
The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (Written and Directed by Jaymes Thompson)
Hallows Eve: Slaughter on Second Street (2008, Directed by P.J. Starks)
Hallows Point (2007, Written and Directed by  Jeffrey Lynn Ward)
Hellbride(2007, Written and Directed by Pat Higgins)
Helldriver (2011, Directed by Yoshihiro Nishimura)
Hospitality (2008, Written, Directed and Edited by Tony Ducret)
The Hounds (2011, Directed by Maurizio del Piccolo, Trevor Gittings and Roberto del Piccolo)
How to be a Serial Killer (2009, Written and Directed by Luke Ricci)
Into the Pit: The Shocking Story of (2009, Directed by Kelly Marcott)
Johnny Sunshine: Maximum Violence (2008, Directed by Matt Yeager)
Killer Killer  (2007, Written, Directed and Produced by Pat Higgins)
The Landlord (2009, Written and Directed by Emil Hyde)
Lewis (2011, Directed by Anthony G. Sumner)
LovecraCked: The Movie (2006, Written and Directed by Elias)
The Man in the Garage (2008, Written and Directed by Robert Luke)
Maniac on the Loose (2008, Written and Directed by Steve Hudgens)
Marcus (2006, Written and Directed by Bob Hardison and Rich Robinson)
Massacre (2011, Written and Directed by John Bowman)
The Medium  (2007, Written and Directed by Ben Wydeven)
Medium Rare (2010, Directed by Paul Madden )
Mercy (2006, Written and Directed by Patrick Roddy)
Monster from Bikini Beach (2008, Written and Directed by Darin Wood
Night of the Living Jews (short) (2008, Written and Directed by Oliver Noble)
The Open Door (2008, Written and Directed by Doc Duhame)
Pink Eye  (2008, Directed by James Tucker)
Porn Shoot Massacre (2008, Directed by Corbin Timbrook) 
Rabies (2012, Written and Directed by Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado)
Rage (2012, Written and Directed by Christopher Witherspoon)
Red Velvet (2008, Directed by Bruce Dickson)
RetarDEAD (2008, Written and Directed by Rick Popko and Dan West)
Rite (2008, Written and Directed by Alicia Conway)
Rose of Death  (2007, Written and Directed by L. Alan Brooks)
See Jane Run  (2007, Directed by Ryan Webb)
Sinners (2010, Written and Directed by Gary Lynch)
Slaughter party (2010, Written and Directed by Michael T. Flynn)
Thicker than Water: The Vampire Diaries Part 1 (2008, Written and Directed by Phil Messerer)
Underbelly (2008, Written and Directed by Matt Cade)
Unholy Passion  (2006, Written and Diriected by Jim Exton)
Us Sinners (2008, Written and Directed by George Snow)
Via Dreams (2011, Written and Directed by Rodney Wess)
Winter of Frozen Dreams (2009, Directed by Eric Mandelbaum)
The Witches Hammer (2007 (UK), Written and Directed by James Eaves)
Worm(short) (2010, Written and Directed by Richard Powell)
Zombeak (2009, Written and Directed by Sam Drog)

Now I've got the list I wanted. It's going to be a pretty long task.

spurgeonryan said:

Berry Pepper....Well he seemed to be sort of big or on his way.


Anyone see this?




AHHHH!!!! :O New Robo cop suit. Looks horrible and still 80's.

This looks like something Morgan freeman invented for Batman, but I guess that's what it's supposed to look like. Glad to see his faphand is still intact for...oh nevermind

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.