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I finished watching MGS2 HD recently, as a movie it's quite entertaining. The gameplay is pretty dated by now but the HD cut scenes still hold up well. Hideo's style reminds me a lot of westerns, lots of slow pans and zooms and characters sizing each other up for long moments. It was also easier to follow all the rather insane plot twists this time, since I already knew where to go and what to do. It still took 10 hours for the whole movie.

Now I'm playing/watching MGS3 HD. It's not bad as a Bond movie. Great opening, and some fun references to the first bond movies as well. It has a nice mix of fantasy and news items of the 60's.
It's interesting how tastes change, when I first played it on ps2 I couldn't wait for the cut scenes and talking to be over. This time if a game play sections lasts too long I start getting bored.