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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

Really you still wanna fight about Watchmen?

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spurgeonryan said:
d21lewis said:
God Bless America on Netflix was pretty fucked up. Entertaining and (dare I say) pretentious as well. Want to see a man shoot a baby after it's been tossed in the air, and see it splatter all over his mother's face? Here's your movie.

I also watched "Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie". Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. It's on Netflix. I've watched it about once a day for the last four days! Yeah, it's a bad movie but fuck, I love it! Oh, and if you want to see a man shoot a ten year old that's been tossed in the air, and see him splatter all over the place, here's your movie.

Both of those sound truly horrible! Was God Bless America a War type movie?

It's actually a bit of a dark comedy.  This guy is diagnosed with a brain tumor and is living a dead end life.  Before he dies, he teams up with an unexpected ally and they go on a killing spree.  They kill people that "deserve to die" like some bitchy girl from an MTV show, the judges on American Idol, members of the Tea Party, and stuff.  It's not what you expect.  Watch about ten minutes of it and I suspect you'll watch the whole thing.  It's not a work of art but it really sucks you in.

As for Tim and's one of those movies best watched while under the influence.  It's insane.  Two guys get a billion dollars to make a movie and the movie they make only lasts three minutes.  They have to pay the money back or get killed so they end up running a mall.  I can't even describe it.  Here's the trailer:

pezus said:
AndrewWK said:
Really you still wanna fight about Watchmen?

No, I have already accepted that you don't like it, which is why I wrote what I wrote.

Its not like that I don´t like it. I HATE IT

I found Watchmen a bit boring too tbh. But I'm kinda bored with the whole comic book super hero genre in general.

I watched Sky captain and the world of tomorrow a couple of years ago. It's a quite entertaining action adventure movie with a decent story. The acting was fine for acting in front of a green screen for the entire movie.
However it is one of my most pointless blu-ray purchases. The movie suffers from extreme soft focus and heavy use of bloom, to the point it often looks blurred and washed out. It is part of the stylized look the director was going for but imo it's just ugly. The soft, almost out of focus visuals actually started to get very tiring on my eyes on the big screen to the end of the movie. 3D eye strain fatigue without 3D :/
Watch it on a small screen and you have a very decent movie.

Regarding Cloud Atlas, I'll keep my expectations low, more chance I will enjoy it. Otherwise it will be another Hunger games experience. I started watching that with too high expectations.

I recently watch the whole X-Men movie series

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I've watched Prometheus.

It's nice but it lefts things to explain and everything happens too dam fast.

Guys "The Town" is a very good movie, highly recommendable.

And last week I watched "Bronson" because I knew Tom Hardy was in it. I did not really like it, it was rather boring and disturbing but Tom Hardy is one of my favourtie actors right now and I watched almost every movie where he was in it.

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
I recently watch the whole X-Men movie series

Including First Class? Which one did you enjoy the most?

I think I enjoyed the third most but X2 and First class where also very good. Which one was your favourite?

The last 4 movies I watched on DVD/BluRay are 4 blockbusters:

Pirates of the Carribean 4 - decent, chemistry wasn't right between Depp and Cruz (but between Depp and Rush)
Toy Story 3 - great, makes Toy Story one of the best trilogies in movie history imo (but please Pixar, no TS 4)
Tangled - great, best Disney animation movie since Mulan, outstanding landscape animation
Rango - great, completely different from Pixar/Disney/DreamWorks/BlueSky, outstanding depth of field animation

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
I recently watch the whole X-Men movie series

Including First Class? Which one did you enjoy the most?

I saw First Class when it came out.

I'm talking about the main series mainly. X1, X2, and X3. (There's three numbered ones right.....?)

I would have to say I liked the first the most due to everyone not being so whorish/lovey-dovey.