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I found Watchmen a bit boring too tbh. But I'm kinda bored with the whole comic book super hero genre in general.

I watched Sky captain and the world of tomorrow a couple of years ago. It's a quite entertaining action adventure movie with a decent story. The acting was fine for acting in front of a green screen for the entire movie.
However it is one of my most pointless blu-ray purchases. The movie suffers from extreme soft focus and heavy use of bloom, to the point it often looks blurred and washed out. It is part of the stylized look the director was going for but imo it's just ugly. The soft, almost out of focus visuals actually started to get very tiring on my eyes on the big screen to the end of the movie. 3D eye strain fatigue without 3D :/
Watch it on a small screen and you have a very decent movie.

Regarding Cloud Atlas, I'll keep my expectations low, more chance I will enjoy it. Otherwise it will be another Hunger games experience. I started watching that with too high expectations.