lestatdark said:
I agree with the MP portion of your comment, it was indeed a poor decision. The amount of War Assets i've already gained via the promotions I've made in the game have already guaranteed that I'll never see the worst ending because the War Assets go for every playthrough.
As for the Rachni choice, I believed they did the logical thing there. The Rachni are the easiest species for the Reapers to control, outside of the Geth, because of their hivemind structure and no-lag telephatic communication, which basically mimics the control structure of any Synthetic AI. If an entire race in the past succumbed to it, leading to the Rachni Wars, would you really expect that the sole queen be able to resist to it?
You spared the Queen in ME1
You get to fight Rachni husks, go their homeworld, choose whether to kill or spare her again.
You killed the Queen in ME1
You get to fight Rachni husks, go their homeworld, choose whether to kill or spare her replacement, which Repears built, and no explanation is given why they created only one, and not a hundred or why they did not create one even if you let her live.
And all she gives if you let her live again, is some Rachni workers, not those warriors from ME1, or the ships hinted at in ME2, just some workers, and you also get that asset if you spare her replacement, granted she does go nuts later and breaks stuff.