Amazing how if you whine hard enough, people bend right over.
Amazing how if you whine hard enough, people bend right over.
d21lewis said: It's the journey, not the destination. These people would have killed themselves in the 8-bit era. In those days, you played for hours and all you got was an empty screen saying "The End". I'm not even 10% through Mass Effect 3 but, unless the Xbox 360 literally kicks me in the balls after I beat the game, I don't know how the ending can be as bad as people are making it out to be. |
"The Journey... is the destination!"- Depark Chopra
Wise words, d21. Wise words.
Ajescent said: I liked the "good" ending of ME3...I admit I've never followed the ME stories I've played about 3hrs of all 3 games combined but from what I saw of the ending it looked good no idea what people are complaining about. Were they expecting sunshine and flowers? Give over! |
From what I've gathered people would have been fine with a downer ending ( mass effect 2's final mission allowed for a whole lot of party deaths if you made certain choices or hadn't gotten certain upgrades etc) . The problem was that no matter what you did the endings didn't really reflect the choices you'd made prior. Who you did or didn't save at various points and how you resolved certain problems wasn't a factor in how the game ended. On the forums I read a lot of people loved the game right until the ending invalidated prior decisions. It also didn't help that the ending was vague and filled with plotholes ( crew members showing up where they weren't supposed to be) so many players were confused as to how things settled down. Whether you picked the good, bad or nuetral ending it was hard to feel invested in the 10 minute cinematic that followed ( which was the same for each minus some colour filters). It didn't feel like anything was really accomplished by what you did which was a stark contrast to earlier in the series.
While I don't think asking for a refund is acceptable in this situation I do understand why people who've invested many hours per game are upset with the lackluster ending.
Zim said:
The reason I said "Give over" is most complaints I've seen are "there is no "happy ending" based on the "happy ending" I saw, I think it ticked most of the boxes for what constitutes a happy ending. It seems most people were expecting an "And they all lived happily ever after" ending and I hate those especially after a long arse epic trilogy which from my understanding is what ME is.
If after such going through such an epic journey, you get a happy ending, IMO there needs to be a "but" and I think this ending covered it well, the 30mins video for me covered everything I needed to know and I liked it.
Maybe I'm the only one and maybe that's because I never played any of the games from start to finish but surely you must conceed people asking for their money back to me is an over reaction and an unwarrented one. Hence the "give over"
d21lewis said: It's the journey, not the destination. These people would have killed themselves in the 8-bit era. In those days, you played for hours and all you got was an empty screen saying "The End". I'm not even 10% through Mass Effect 3 but, unless the Xbox 360 literally kicks me in the balls after I beat the game, I don't know how the ending can be as bad as people are making it out to be. |
It's a very bad ending, but the other 99.7% of the game is the best RPG I've played in over a decade.
Lafiel said:
my personal main complaint (if I played the series) would be, that although the players made vastly different decisions throughout 3 games there are only 3 ending sequences, which are all the same with only very subtle differences.. I would have expected more personalized endings that reflect the decisions you made throughout the 3 games @ topic ) Uhm.. that's very kind of these shops, but actually I think there is no reason for a refund as the game still (seems to be) a very good experience for 25-30 hours.. |
This right here is my main complaint with WRPGs. Oh yeah, we'll give you a choice in everything that happens, even what colour spoon your char eats his cereal with, but ultimately the ending is predestined.
On topic, it's a fucking invasion against enemies who are vastly superior to you, sometimes there isn't always a magiv wand readily available to you to solve you situation. IMO, once in a while it's okay for the bad guys to win.
I'll see if the ending is bad as soon as it will hit Steam !
So in theory a person can get a refund for a movie he/she chooses to watch that has a horrible ending? I was I had known this 18 years ago, I wouldve saved a lot of money. This explains why America is so great (sarcastically said).
VicViper said: "The Journey... is the destination!"- Depark Chopra
Wise words, d21. Wise words. |
lol awesome video
marioboy2004 said: So in theory a person can get a refund for a movie he/she chooses to watch that has a horrible ending? I was I had known this 18 years ago, I wouldve saved a lot of money. This explains why America is so great (sarcastically said). |
People demand refunds all the time for films they dislike and often they get it back.