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Lafiel said:
Ajescent said:

I liked the "good" ending of ME3...I admit I've never followed the ME stories I've played about 3hrs of all 3 games combined  but from what I saw of the ending it looked good no idea what people are complaining about. Were they expecting sunshine and flowers? Give over!

my personal main complaint (if I played the series) would be, that although the players made vastly different decisions throughout 3 games there are only 3 ending sequences, which are all the same with only very subtle differences.. I would have expected more personalized endings that reflect the decisions you made throughout the 3 games

@ topic )

Uhm.. that's very kind of these shops, but actually I think there is no reason for a refund as the game still (seems to be) a very good experience for 25-30 hours..

This right here is my main complaint with WRPGs. Oh yeah, we'll give you a choice in everything that happens, even what colour spoon your char eats his cereal with, but ultimately the ending is predestined.

On topic, it's a fucking invasion against enemies who are vastly superior to you, sometimes there isn't always a magiv wand readily available to you to solve you situation. IMO, once in a while it's okay for the bad guys to win. 

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?