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Ajescent said:

I liked the "good" ending of ME3...I admit I've never followed the ME stories I've played about 3hrs of all 3 games combined  but from what I saw of the ending it looked good no idea what people are complaining about. Were they expecting sunshine and flowers? Give over!

  From what I've gathered people would have been fine with a  downer ending ( mass effect 2's final mission allowed for a whole lot of party deaths if you  made certain choices or hadn't  gotten certain upgrades etc) .  The problem was that  no matter what you did the endings didn't really reflect the choices  you'd made prior.  Who you did or didn't save at various points and how you resolved certain problems wasn't a factor in how the game ended.  On the forums I read a lot  of people loved the game right until the ending invalidated prior decisions. It also didn't help that the ending was vague and filled with plotholes ( crew members  showing up where they weren't supposed to be) so many players were confused as to how things settled down.   Whether you picked the good, bad or nuetral ending  it was hard to feel invested in  the 10 minute cinematic that followed ( which was the same for each minus some colour filters).  It didn't feel like anything was really accomplished by what you did which was a stark contrast to earlier in the series.


While I don't think asking for a refund is  acceptable  in this situation  I  do understand why people who've invested many hours per game are upset with the lackluster ending.