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Forums - Website Topics - Montana's Message To The Community

Jay520 said:
Galaki said:
There are 3 kinds of trollings. Ones where you're just taking a stab for humour or just being negative because you hated the company.

It's sometime not easy to distinguish between the 2, though.

What's the third kind of trolling?

There isn't one, he's just trolling.


(That's the third kind)

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MontanaHatchet said:
Baalzamon said:
I agree completely that too many threads are being either trolled, or filled with worthless posts that wind up making what may have been an interesting thread into something I can't get myself to read.

On another, completely unrelated note (I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself), your writing skills are quite amazing (as can be seen by your OP alone). It flows quite amazingly, and really gets the point across. Have you ever asked to be a writer for Vgchartz? (you can tell me via wall post/PM if you don't want to clog this thread with unrelated discussion)

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that my writing style is appreciated as well. I actually did write a couple reviews and articles for the site years ago but I lowered my input as my interest in the community waned. For now I'd like to just devote my time on the site to being a moderator but I appreciate the compliment.

Addressing a couple of points in this thread:

Carl: The feature you mentioned (only quoting the last post instead of every post in the quote tree) is one I've seen on several other sites and it's something I hope will be implemented in the redesign.

RolStoppable: This is sadly true to an extent but I'd like to work towards the point where threads which foster good discussion can reach 100+ posts with ease.

Morenoingrato: It's tough to find the right balance of moderation. However, I'd glad to see that discussion has improved somewhat in the last couple of months.

Great OP Montana, and I like this answer too.

About Rol's and Moreno's opposite positions, I'd side with Rol, but only when the trolling is a borderline one, intelligent and/or humourous and/or lighthearted, well, when it actually is a somehow trollish, even very provocative, but enjoyable contribution to discussion. And obviously full time trolls constantly for positive threads about some platforms and games and posting in them just to shit on other's cereals don't fall into the category of acceptable trolling. And when they constantly do it with bitter one-liners that taken singularly wouldn't be considered trolling, they're just hypocrites, but they remain trolls. And yes the border is sometimes difficult to spot, but there's a simple rule, was it made also for humour and to stimulate the discussion or just to piss others off? Then to make this simple rule more difficult there's the fact that some people have no sense of humour at all and they'll get always pissed off... Sometime the borderline troll is like Rol so much more intelligent than average that in his best posts it's difficult to get all the subtleties... Sometimes the target is intelligent and has sense of humour, but he's oversensitive on some arguments, like Moreno, that tends to get utterly depressed and pessimistic when Ninty doesn't go well, and in those cases trolling him is just evil... Mod's a difficult job... Athough I'd have SO liked to be the one that permabanned Tuscanyman!!!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

NintendoPie said:
Galaki said:
There are 3 kinds of trollings. Ones where you're just taking a stab for humour or just being negative because you hated the company.

It's sometime not easy to distinguish between the 2, though.

Very, very true Galaki. That is why I replied to Moreno about this. It can be very hard to sift through the playing around "trolls" and the actual trolls who are only arround to stir up trouble.

Yep, just like I answered to Montana, Moreno and some others are oversensitive on a few arguments. To them I'd suggest to read some answers to the presumed troll before overreacting, If only notorious trolls find a presumed trolling funny, then feel free to overreact, get pissed-off, report them, in other cases try to see the humorous side!   

Edit: and in posts like Rol's ones, read them at least twice, and then ten pages of comments too, before deciding you understood everything! 

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

very well writen and well put, hopefully will show results =)

I only got beef with one of the comments in this thread.

The one about rising the mount of posts before we can post a thread. Ive been on this site since pretty much the beginning(with a different name before anyone looks at "when i joined" and Ive got less than 1k of posts. I mean it would work for the most but there's people that only have say 50 posts but are very good posters.

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You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

RolStoppable said:
MontanaHatchet said:

RolStoppable: This is sadly true to an extent but I'd like to work towards the point where threads which foster good discussion can reach 100+ posts with ease.

That's quite a lofty goal. Anyway, the main problem is really two-fold:

1) Sales discussions are limited by the site taking more and more tools and data away from the community. There isn't much of a motivation to start a thread about a specific topic, because compiling the data (if it's even available) is too often too much of a hassle.

2) Members of this site don't seem to play video games and if they do, they don't want to talk about it. At least that's the impression I get from yo_john and TADS's ranking game threads. Sometimes they have trouble to get 15 scores which really isn't much considering that we have a couple hundred active members.

Discussions about hype seem to be more popular than playing the actual games. This also leads to the phenomenon that the next year is always the best ever, because all the hype is still intact.

I loved the idea and participated lots when it started, but constantly seeing KylieDog handing out low scores to basically every game out there drove me nuts. He wasn't the only user who did such a thing though, however he was the most persistent one.

Well put, OP, well put.
This site is teeming with good posters and the amount of material to discuss between all the different forums and topics is mindblowing, but I think that when discussions end up at a base level, the more level-headed posters simply leave or ignore the threads altogether.

I also appreciate the fact that you took the time to point out the obvious (but not to all) difference between critique and hating/flaming/trolling.
Different views and preferences is the very essence of discussion and debate but it is perfectly simple to formulate proper arguments rather than simply bashing and trolling like a lot of people do.

It seems like the forums have come to life a little bit again, they were getting drab there for a while. Lots of new announcements, start of a new year and being on the doorstep of the next generaion seems to have livened things up again (which is why I'm posting a lot more as of late)! Rock on everyone, see you on the boards!

DanneSandin said:
You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

To amplify the delicious irony, i must say: this.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
You really need to implement a 'Like' button in the new design! That would limit a lot of posts without real content - I've posted a few of them myself! Instead of quoting a post and saying 'this' or saying 'like' or whatever u could just have a like button!

To amplify the delicious irony, i must say: this.

How about Like, Like+, and Like++ to emphasize how much you're in agreement with?

You have to click Like 10 times to reach Like+.

To reach Like++, you have to click Like+ 50 times.

If you click on it more than 70 times total, you're banned from botting.