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NintendoPie said:
Galaki said:
There are 3 kinds of trollings. Ones where you're just taking a stab for humour or just being negative because you hated the company.

It's sometime not easy to distinguish between the 2, though.

Very, very true Galaki. That is why I replied to Moreno about this. It can be very hard to sift through the playing around "trolls" and the actual trolls who are only arround to stir up trouble.

Yep, just like I answered to Montana, Moreno and some others are oversensitive on a few arguments. To them I'd suggest to read some answers to the presumed troll before overreacting, If only notorious trolls find a presumed trolling funny, then feel free to overreact, get pissed-off, report them, in other cases try to see the humorous side!   

Edit: and in posts like Rol's ones, read them at least twice, and then ten pages of comments too, before deciding you understood everything! 

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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