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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can Nintendo do to bring you back to them?

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They don't need to do anything to bring me back. It's already done.

I've always played on Nintendo's platform but I went Sony for this gen. The only Sony IPs I liked were God of War and Uncharted. The single idea of playing a full Zelda game in HD really hypes me up!

I won't go Microsoft because there's NO game that worths it IMO
I won't go Sony because they make their stuff to expensive and you usually pay more for the Sony logo than the system itself. (Just like Apple)
Therefore, I'll go with Nintendo. I like the company too! Fils-Aime >>> Tretton

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spurgeonryan said:

Hehe, yeah me too!


Let's hope they put its games in the virtual console section sometime

Did you see that the VC is losing  a bunch of games? At least a few Game gear games are coming to the 3DS eshop! There is a huge Game Gear library out there. But I have never played the Neo geo or the Wonderswan, so that would be nice to have.

Interesting. Maybe they are slowly emptying its library in favour of the 3DS and Wii U? Doesn't make that much sense, but you never know lol.

Never played Wonderswan or Neo either, so I have to agree about that one!

Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 with maybe David Wise brought back to do the soundtrack would sell me on a Wii U basically by itself.

Throw in a Pikmin 3 and some third party games and I'm in.

I'd like for Nintendo to bring back some older franchises though. It's time for a new Wave Race or Star Fox please.

sethnintendo said:
Release the Virtual Boy again.

They've already released the 3DS

I don't get why people say the 3DS it's a fail when it's doing better then the DS.


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Araknie said:
sethnintendo said:
Release the Virtual Boy again.

They've already released the 3DS

I don't get why people say the 3DS it's a fail when it's doing better then the DS.


Come on man, that's obviously a joke! ;D

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I think the Wii fixed many problems Nintendo had on the home console side - they've always been improving on the handheld side in my opinion (DS became the RPG Mecca).

N64 lost a lot of people because games were WAY too expensive, and there were very few ever released for it (it took years for the N64 total library to exceed 100 games).

GameCube lost more people because Nintendo stopped behaving like Nintendo (as someone mentioned), and instead they tried to be more like Sony. Many people saw GameCube as Playstation Junior.

So with the Wii and DS, I do think Nintendo successfully had a combo of systems where I felt fine buying about ~140 games (Although about 50 of those were downloadable) during the generation between the two systems.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I never really "left" Nintendo since the late 80s. I still have my launch Wii and haven't sold it unlike many of these hard to please hardcore gamers. Though at the same time, I've been playing my 360 much more than my Wii, which essentially is by far the most I've played a non Nintendo console. I think the main thing that Nintendo needs to keep me an avid Nintendo gamer is to simple release more games, and more specifically, release more new franchises. Mario is great and all, but I'd love to see some new creativity from them. I'd also love to see an epic new series in the same vein as Zelda.

I havent had a Nintendo console since the GameCube

To bring me back they would need to release a system to compete with todays consoles, by this I it needs to be on equal ground with Sony and Microsoft, capability wise.

I like Nintendo cause I like there IP's, Mario, Zelda, etc. If they had some out now equivalent to a PS3 or Xbox with a Mario game, I would go buy it now.

The WiiU doesnt cut it im afraid, had it been out 4 or 5 years ago then hell yeah

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Araknie said:
sethnintendo said:
Release the Virtual Boy again.

They've already released the 3DS

I don't get why people say the 3DS it's a fail when it's doing better then the DS.


Come on man, that's obviously a joke! ;D

Yes, the 3DS is obviously a joke.  :p 

*I put the face at the end of my sentence to make sure that everyone knows that I'm joking, or am I?*

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