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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can Nintendo do to bring you back to them?

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new ip. i wouldn't buy 3rd part games on ninty consoles anyway.

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Other than that, i cant really see how they can get me back. Aside from Mario/Zelda nintendo has never done anything that really interests me.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Nothing, been with them since I first started gaming.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

spurgeonryan said:
new ip. i wouldn't buy 3rd part games on ninty consoles anyway.

If they were all better than the games on the other consoles you would slowly change your mind Mr. Jackson!

optimism is dead. ninty will find a way to screw it up some how. tthey liks Sony always screw things up. it never fail's.

Non-motion and tablet controller with third party support that is either comparable or better than the competition by a very noticeable margin.

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spurgeonryan said:
spurgeonryan said:
new ip. i wouldn't buy 3rd part games on ninty consoles anyway.

If they were all better than the games on the other consoles you would slowly change your mind Mr. Jackson!

optimism is dead. ninty will find a way to screw it up some how. tthey liks Sony always screw things up. it never fail's.

Same thing happens with most companies.

true. we'll have to see. if Wiiu impresses, then i'm all in.

The question is what can YOU do so Nintendo can take you back?

nintendo didnt do anything that disappointed me, they just didnt do anything that had me coming back. i never would have bought a playstation if nintendo had had more games for n64. i only bought a playstation because nintendo didnt really give me many games, and since then ive been playing on sony consoles most of the time. once they stop delivering games i enjoy ill probably switch it up also, until then i dont really see any reason to go from a standard ps3 or pc buy to a nintendo buy

I don't see myself ever buying another Nintendo system, unless they have must-own games. I'm not that interested in Mario anymore. I bought Skyward Sword, and the controls stink, and it's geared towards kids. I bought Metroid Other M, but haven't played it yet( I don't feel like being dissapointed with one of my favorite franchises.......again). I really don't see what they are going to bring to the table that would intrigue me enough tobuy their next console. Maybe a more serious Zelda and Metroid(Prime FPS please). I don't think that they understand that the people that funded their company have grown up. There are tons of games for my kids to play on my 360 and PS3. Every time they introduce something new, they are just catching up, or are still far behind. Can anyone seriously imagine them competing with Sony and Microsoft's online? They have a serious job ahead of them. I don't know. Maybe people will buy them like hot cakes. But, I could see Nintendo turn into a game developer. To be honest, I wish they would. Then, I wouldn't have to buy another console for a handfull of games that I am interested in. Am I the only one?