DélioPT said: That fruit part is really... weird! :D I wonder what that means. |
I think that the first time, with Iwata, it was a joke. Something to grab the atention of the people that after one of those family videos that usually bore us.
Then, since that was one of the most commented things about that Nintendo Direct (which was before, not after the E3 conference as the article says, they aired it on Sunday and the conference was Tuesday), NOA decided to use the joke again, a bit like a tribute to the first joke and the people that commented about it.
By the way, there are 2 new Iwata Ask, one is about Wii U Chat and the other one is about New Super Mario Bros. U, and in this one we can read this
Tezuka: Yes. We also are planning additional courses.
Iwata: As with New Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Nintendo 3DS, you're talking about the additional courses.
Tezuka: Yes. We're trying to think of ways of play that are different from New Super Mario Bros. 2, but we haven't made anything yet! (laughs)
Iwata: Right, rather than distributing content that's premade at a later date, you're going to start working on it now.
Iwamoto: Yes. The mechanism for adding courses is already there, so please stand by for an update on what they'll be like.
It will have DLC's like New Super Mario Bros. 2!
Please excuse my bad English.
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