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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%
spurgeonryan said:
You played the wii U version?^ If so I will check it out!

Indeed. :)

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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thekitchensink said:
For anyone who's interested, here's an account of my personal playtime with Batman :) (I reviewed the original Arkham City)

Very nice. If you played it already and liked, I think I will like even more, since it'll be my first time with the game.

IamAwsome said:

that's pretty impressive! now, if they only would make that damn redisn and I would be sold!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I forget which site but there was a chart that just showed that Nintendo never releases a redesign after the first year. (Not only for the DS but they showed GBA, which need a redesign also that awful screen and Gameboy. But it seems to also follows the same theme. The first redesign usually has longer battery life and takes on a different form, the next redesign usually adds functionality to the device and the next is another form change.

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BlkPaladin said:

I forget which site but there was a chart that just showed that Nintendo never releases a redesign after the first year. (Not only for the DS but they showed GBA, which need a redesign also that awful screen and Gameboy. But it seems to also follows the same theme. The first redesign usually has longer battery life and takes on a different form, the next redesign usually adds functionality to the device and the next is another form change.

Please don't tell me to wait for an additinal 2 year for a redesign!! I want more battery life, and better 3d and a second cirle pad!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

It will more than like next year.

I love being proven wrong from time to time. what I once thought was a cheap shovelware cash-in has proven itself to me on the show floor. Turns out Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is all sorts of awesome, and now that I've played it, I have to say I'm super excited!

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
I love being proven wrong from time to time. what I once thought was a cheap shovelware cash-in has proven itself to me on the show floor. Turns out Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is all sorts of awesome, and now that I've played it, I have to say I'm super excited!

Great to hear! I've been looking forward to all 3 SE games on the 3DS this summer.

a game based on FFs music cant be bad