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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect Thread: Leviathan is out, buy it, it's great

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You know what I'm really excited about? The way the reputation system works.

In ME2 you were essentially part of a zero-sum system where if you mixed your actions then you wouldn't be able to get the highest Intimidate/Charm options. THis is more like a return to the ME1 system, where your reputation on the whole isn't dependent on single actions, and you can use any Charm/Intimidate you like. So long as the Galaxy knows you're a bad-ass, you can do almost anything.

It's going to be an exciting time for people who like  the role-playing aspect of the game.

Khuutra said:

You know what I'm really excited about? The way the reputation system works.

In ME2 you were essentially part of a zero-sum system where if you mixed your actions then you wouldn't be able to get the highest Intimidate/Charm options. THis is more like a return to the ME1 system, where your reputation on the whole isn't dependent on single actions, and you can use any Charm/Intimidate you like. So long as the Galaxy knows you're a bad-ass, you can do almost anything.

It's going to be an exciting time for people who like  the role-playing aspect of the game.

Excellent news!

In one of my runs through ME and ME2, I'm more like "myself", and I always end with a mix of good and bad paragon and renegade reputation, and it is a bit frustating as sometimes it limits your options, so this change is very welcomed.

Btw, I like the examples he uses.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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That launch trailer is incredible.

Perhaps it will convert some of the stalwart boycotters. I'm opposed to the whole DLC thing, but I intend to resolve that by not getting the DLC.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Khuutra said:

You know what I'm really excited about? The way the reputation system works.

In ME2 you were essentially part of a zero-sum system where if you mixed your actions then you wouldn't be able to get the highest Intimidate/Charm options. This is more like a return to the ME1 system, where your reputation on the whole isn't dependent on single actions, and you can use any Charm/Intimidate you like. So long as the Galaxy knows you're a bad-ass, you can do almost anything.

It's going to be an exciting time for people who like  the role-playing aspect of the game.

The more I read up about Mass Effect, the more I'm beginning to see that a lot of things are back to how I loved them in ME1.

I'm hyped for ME3. Have been since the demo. The launch trailer is brilliant.


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Khuutra said:
Here's a thought.

You know Tali's recruitment mission in ME2? How there's a geth colossus at the end and he's really tough?

Anybody ever played Vanguard, Charged him, and tried to kill him from point-blank?

Let me tell you, that's one of gaming's better thrills.

Yes, on my last ME2 run before ME3. It was insane :D

New trailer is just.. incredible. Can't wait, a whole fucking week here!@L"!@!@!L'' EUROPE Y U SUCK

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

I just keep watching that trailer whilst cursing the European release date at the end of it.

Hopefully they don't end up making unnecessary characters bi like they did in DA2. I've heard rumors. The bi-hetero ratio was dumb and is unimmersive in DA2. Liara's and Asari's case has always made sense, despite asari looking extremely female (probably a bit for titilating purposes, but it's neat).

I'm all for adding new bi, or homosexual characters. Just, if they're going to try and convince you a past character is suddenly bi, or make everyone bi that's just dumb.

the trailers good though.

ishiki said:

Hopefully they don't end up making unnecessary characters bi like they did in DA2. I've heard rumors. The bi-hetero ratio was dumb and is unimmersive in DA2. Liara's and Asari's case has always made sense, despite asari looking extremely female (probably a bit for titilating purposes, but it's neat).

I'm all for adding new bi, or gasp homosexual characters. Just, if they're going to try and convince you a past character is suddenly bi, or make everyone bi that's just dumb.

the trailers good though.

It's already fairly open and weird with the whole alien thing. Female Shepard with Garrus or Thane is a bit of a weird one. Apparently in ME2 Miranda was originally going to be bisexual but they changed it.

Anyway, I doubt they'll go back and make any established characters suddenly come out as bi or gay.