RolStoppable said: Microsoft is to blame for everything, because they are an evil corporation. They wanted to destroy Rare right from the getgo which is why they opted for Grabbed by the Ghoulies as the first Rare game they published. |
Hhhmm.. no. I think you might be thinking of EA, who has destroyed over 7 companies over the last 15yrs including Origin, BullFrog, Jane Studios, Maxis and many others. Rare pretty much killed themselves once the Stamper brothers left. There was no one really left to guide the creative team. The current RARE team is not the same team that created DKC, Banjo & Kazooie, Star Fox, GoldenEye 007 and Conker games. More then 1/2 the original team have left Microsoft.
My problem with Microsoft is that they switched RARE developers into making Kinect games (Kinect Sports & KS2). and Avatar content. Remember, when RARE first started for Microsoft, they created games like VivaPinata, Perfect Dark and Kameo: Elements of Power. All decent games. I think switching them to Kinect games and avatar content was a big mistake though. Still, I think they could have made some brilliant games if the whole team had stayed onboard.
'gaming till I'm gone'