Mr Puggsly said:
I don't think they needed Nintendo's guidance per se, they needed Nintendo's audience. Rare is more in touch with what Nintendo fans want than Xbox fans. Everything Rare has put out post Nintendo hasn't been bad. In fact, I think all their Xbox games would have sold significantly better on Gamecube and Wii. Those are consoles where casual games and platformers are in demand. Basically, Rare was great at selling games to the audience Nintendo built. But they couldn't bring a casual audience to the Xbox. |
Well, in a sense they did bring some casual gamers to the XBox 360 with Kinect. Millions bought Kinect Sport and most of the Kinect and Avatar contents was created by Rare. I would rather they made Killer Instinct 2, PD2 and another Conker game. Even a new IP game that didn't support Kinect would be fine with me.
'gaming till I'm gone'