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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If you were in charge of Nintendo, how would you manage the Wii U's first year

I would release the WiiU for 300 (put your currency here, we don't do exchange rates in Nintendo) between October-November, bundled with WiiU Play containing five tablet/wiimotes asymmetric Mii-ni-games (a few taken from the demos).

The system would also launch with the eShop having access to all previous Wii online software (transfer option available); plus a few WiiU software like those screensaver (garden, street) and that drawing game.  I like the idea from freebs2 of having the first few lesons of Art Academy available for free as the first WiiU demo. Also launch would also have media streaming software for Netflix, etc, and Nintendo's own title called Wii TV compatible to stream via the 3DS through UPnP and to/from other UPnP devices/servers.

Second U controller bundled with a game made specifically for two U controller asymmetric gameplay, sold for 90.

Nintendo launch software: Art Academy Wii U, New Super Mario Bros. Mii.
Third party software: Killer Freaks, Pictionary and some improved HD ports.
Retail games prices similar to the Wii, sold between 50 to 60.

The launch window would have: Big Brain University, Pikmin 3, Wii Sports U, new Retro game. During 2013, the first month release would be Wii Fit U + sensor band, with a later release of Endless Ocean 3 and a gyroscopic detective game during spring, leading to Mario Kart and Metroid for the fall.


I like your idea of the WiiFit integrated in the OS. I'd have it work with the 3DS and those DS pedometers, they would connect through the IR port on the U controller. I'd also implement some comunications integrated to the system (independent of the game), and through a profile page a social hub is shown via the U controller which lets you see your friends, chat with them, talk to them or even video conference while playing games.

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you see there's a problem with making some one buy a needed accessory seperatelly .

look at Vita you need to buy a memory card . for wifi only buyers. but this was not the case earlier everyone had to it wasn't until the complaints rolled in they decided to put out a bundle to try to satisfy people. but i say thats still not working because . for us wifi only buyers we will be screwed over.
and if Nintendo followed with a similar plan .

the same will happen to them ,

the price will probably be 300 -350 any way so leave it as is . you gotta remember its only slightly better then a 360 well by a little more then previously announced but it still can't cost that much to make

wait for confirmation though but i say its a good deal as long as it ain't 600 freaking dollars like ps3 was if it was then ya complain

but if its 279-400 no complaint's would be needed because 360 costed just as much at launch in fact its almost the same now for the biggest available hard drive -it costed 400 for a mw 3 bundle
among other bundles

the wii u can use external hard drives and some people may already have those for their pc so its no big deal .

also sd cards . so if it launches at 400 w a game bundled im set .
cause thats what im spending on my vita already . (well almost) but im going to hold money back 2 months in advance or even sooner

Well if I were Nintendo I would take huge advantage of not having a competitor. I would seek to have a samll but massively powerful lineup in the first 6 months. I would ensure at least one new game would come out each week. With five or so day one titles.

As far as first party goes two of the five titles on launch day would be first party. They would not be Mario or Zelda. I would use StarFox and Donkey Kong, Starfox fans have been waiting for years for a new entry in the series, BandaiNamco's was alright but Nintendo could do so much better. Fans would buy a WiiU just for StarFox. Donkey Kong is stronger then it has been in years and a new DKC or 3D or both mixed like SuperMario3DLand. These two titles on launch day would easily replace a Mario title or Zelda.

I would have another 8 first party games ready for launch year. A realistoc number including Pikmin3 which I would launch within a month of the hardware. This would keep Pikmin from being overlooked launch day while allowing it to be a launch window title. Miyamoto's new master piece would launch during the second month. Third month Retro's top secret project would launch. I would hope to launch another two new IP over the next two months. This would place us near the spring. I would give a few months for second party and exclusive titles to take the controls till summer. Once August hit I would proceed in launching the next three games. Launching a Mario game hopefully in August right as kids get ready to go back to school. I would try to have a Brain Training casual game ready for September, the game would be educational I would use the going back to school period to advertise this game as the perfect return to school product. Using the tablet to make it into a virtual school it would have three versions a Japanese version, North American version and European version. The game would feature games and interactive educational elements including Math, spelling, social studies, science. The game would feature Nintendo characters to help students Donkey Kong helping students in science, western Mario for social studies in NA while he has a different out fit in other regions. Pokemon trainer and his Pokemon teach math. The game would be marketed towards grade 1 to 6. Featuring difficulty (grade based) modes. The game would be a massive hit parents would gobble it up featuring multiplayer elements incoporating both tablets (assuming two are in WiiU).

The third and final first party game of the year would come in November likely the one year anniversary. It would likely be the new Pokemon game from Genius Sonority which was a launch title for Japan but was localized and hyped/perfected for North America.

But of course first party titles would not be enough to sell WiiU. I would have gotten multiple second party titles. Camelot would be a major studio heading this charge. I would have invested heavily in bringing Golden Sun to a home platform. I would try to get at least two other second party titles. An Rpg would he necessary but a casual title would also be likely.

As far as third parties go exclusives would be the backbone of the WiiU's line up. I would personally help THQ fund and create WiiUDraw which would launch within weeks of the hardware. UbiSoft would also be a key publisher and I would do everything I could to get another exclusive title regardless of franchise. I would use my studio jointly under control of Square to release a true sequel to FF:CC this time the game could be played multiplayer using two tablets and two 3DS. I would approach Disney to create an exclusive title based on one of its IP. Sega would be approached immediatly to prepare a new Sonic game exclusive to WiiU it would launch day one alongside Donkey Kong and StarFox with Japan getting the Pokemon game.

Exclusive content would be my other big push. I would put immense pressure on Ea and Activision as well as RockStar to provide not only their ported line ups but exclusive content. Getting DLC weeks early would be a huge effort. I would also try very hard to get exclusive content such as items or even content in levels such as puzzles or content utilizing the tablet not availible on ps3/360.

Almost every third party major title would appear on WiiU. Iwould spend every penny necessary to ensure CoD, Assasins Creed, GTA5 would come to WiiU.

Oh lastly I would pull out the stops releasing a few WiiUWare games created by smaller studios first party. I would approach iOS studios and other tablet developers like GameLoft to create content for WiiUWare. Of course I would have the apps Nintendo recently confirmed will come basic apps like a Twitter and FaceBook app would be necessary. If the tablet actually can work as an ebook I would make sure the Pokemon novels and all Nintendo licensed literature would be released over the first year. I would make sure a lot of Japanese anime would be availible such as Naruto, One Piece etc..etc.. which aren't availible on many tablets and phones. Netflix would be a day one thing as well as YouTube.

I would put a big ad campaign behind WiiU for as cheap as possible. Mcdonalds, Coke, putting free WiiU contests on all kinds of products probably giving away a thousand units in each region. Donating a further thousand units to childrens hospitals and schools (When the new educational multi franchise game launches). I would team up with Staples and other office school supply stores to give away free copies of the new educational game and promote it in Walmart and every retailer possible during back to school shopping. I would take out ads in parental magazines pushing the educational game. I would flood the tv with ads largely based on Nintendo's new IP and Mario's title.

Another move would be to launch a new anime in Japan based on Miyamoto's new IP. The season would he at least 13 full 23 minute episodes. The tv series would be an advertisement but also a money maker. Lice


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer and merch would be available for Miyamoto's new franchise. I would also give Club Nintendo across all regions some promotional items they can't pass up. A Star Fox Arwing model for Japan produced by NamcoBandai's Gundam team, a Gold plated Banana that uses Skylander like technology to give you an exclusive feature in Donkey Kongs new game (For North America) and for Europe a collectable statue for SmashBros this statue like the banana would feature WiiU content a profile viewer to view a sneak peack at the future SmashBros title.

At e3 2013 I would announce Mario Kart WiiU and show the first teaser of SmashBros and Legend Of Zelda. A sequel to the best performing new IP would be teased and several new games would he announce WiiFitU would be confirmed for the holiday season coming in December.

My whole strategy would he to hit the market with as much exclusive content as possible. Both from third parties, second parties and first party. I would link those three Club Nintendo gifts to Platinum members but unlike past years I would let the public know about them the day WiiU launches. This driving fans to earn points I would put a good 400 million into advertising and getting that anime based on Miyamoto's new franchise and toys..etc...etc...

My core casual title would he the free game coming with the console much like WiiSports. It will include all of the Mii games Nintendo has shown thus far and more. But the educational game would be the biggest ace in the whole being released as school shopping is winding up near the end of the first year. Another casual game would be among the new IP.

The console would launch at 350$ with free online and the free game. The tablet would come loaded with some free content as well. Some free points or currency for WiiUWare or ebooks etc..etc.. would also be present. A pre-order bonus would include a demo disk with demo's for all of Nintendo's first three month first party games.

Nintendo needs to kill during its launch year.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Reading your loooonnngg response right now. XD

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Games...and then more games. Let third parties like Ubisoft and Konami handle the casual games, they seem to know what they're doing in that department now.

Joelcool7 said: and merch would be available for Miyamoto's new franchise. I would also give Club Nintendo across all regions some promotional items they can't pass up. A Star Fox Arwing model for Japan produced by NamcoBandai's Gundam team, a Gold plated Banana that uses Skylander like technology to give you an exclusive feature in Donkey Kongs new game (For North America) and for Europe a collectable statue for SmashBros this statue like the banana would feature WiiU content a profile viewer to view a sneak peack at the future SmashBros title.

At e3 2013 I would announce Mario Kart WiiU and show the first teaser of SmashBros and Legend Of Zelda. A sequel to the best performing new IP would be teased and several new games would he announce WiiFitU would be confirmed for the holiday season coming in December.

My whole strategy would he to hit the market with as much exclusive content as possible. Both from third parties, second parties and first party. I would link those three Club Nintendo gifts to Platinum members but unlike past years I would let the public know about them the day WiiU launches. This driving fans to earn points I would put a good 400 million into advertising and getting that anime based on Miyamoto's new franchise and toys..etc...etc...

My core casual title would he the free game coming with the console much like WiiSports. It will include all of the Mii games Nintendo has shown thus far and more. But the educational game would be the biggest ace in the whole being released as school shopping is winding up near the end of the first year. Another casual game would be among the new IP.

The console would launch at 350$ with free online and the free game. The tablet would come loaded with some free content as well. Some free points or currency for WiiUWare or ebooks etc..etc.. would also be present. A pre-order bonus would include a demo disk with demo's for all of Nintendo's first three month first party games.

Nintendo needs to kill during its launch year.

Most of it seems to make a lot of sense. Some of the advertising seems, in my opinion, to be a little too much but it does need ads somehow. I wouldn't give away that many consoles though. I would put a sweepstakes in at McDonalds and I'll make sure for them to announce it on their commercials. I also like your strategy of having different launch games for each Region, though I would make the StarFox game a Pokemon Game for all regions.

Most of your opinions seem pretty good though! They could work very well.

I would say the ad campaign I mention is over the top. But if it was done as I said WiiU would sell for sure. It couldn't fail. Things like the anime and toys for Miyamoto's new IP are hige. Nintendo wants a new Pokemon or Mario. This would be a gamble but this is Miyamoto we are talking about and a new platform.

Other things like giving away a few thousand units. Huge promotional possibilities. Microsoft saw massive success with this campaign for Kinect at launch. I would say a minimum ad budget of 400 mill launch and more during thd first year. That is not that big and Nintendo can use licencing to advertise even more.

Mcdonalds and Coke would be two huge assets. Microsoft spent about 500 mill launching Kinect and Sony is apparently doing the same with Vita. A similar costly campaign would he a big asset for Nintendo.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Joelcool7 said:
I would say the ad campaign I mention is over the top. But if it was done as I said WiiU would sell for sure. It couldn't fail. Things like the anime and toys for Miyamoto's new IP are hige. Nintendo wants a new Pokemon or Mario. This would be a gamble but this is Miyamoto we are talking about and a new platform.

Other things like giving away a few thousand units. Huge promotional possibilities. Microsoft saw massive success with this campaign for Kinect at launch. I would say a minimum ad budget of 400 mill launch and more during thd first year. That is not that big and Nintendo can use licencing to advertise even more.

Mcdonalds and Coke would be two huge assets. Microsoft spent about 500 mill launching Kinect and Sony is apparently doing the same with Vita. A similar costly campaign would he a big asset for Nintendo.

Nintendo does seem to be the best in the business for ads so I would expect the best from them. :D

After reading other peoples plans I fear whaf would happen if Nintendo actually followed them. I find two massive problems.

1. Mario launch day or window. Mario is Nintendo's juggernaut he is a very powerful launch title. However the console is launching holiday season. Unlike 3DS which launchex during an off time. Mario is so huge he would crush other launch titles his long legs would last the full year making it more difficult to launch new IP or even other established IP. The idea of sending in Mario Kart also within the first year would be massive over kill. It would deal a massive blow to first and third party software. I do not think Mario should be used within the first six months unless WiiU tanks. Star Fox and Donkey Kong would be ideal launch titles due to their rarity and large fanbases. With a Sonic exclusive and WiiUDraw, Pikmin3 plus any other launch titles from third parties, in Japan having Pokemon. The WiiU would be out of stock all holiday season globally. Mario would sell the system as well but it would crush the other software. Miyamoto's new IP and hopefully one from Retro need a chance with less competition hence why I said launch in January and February respectively. Right after the holidays kids and teens want to get games for their systems so these new IP would be best for the first half of 2013. Launching Mario in August would be huge it would he right before nexfbox launches in september or October. Mario would fly off the shelves taking attention off nextbox with no Halo5 Microsoft cannot counter in a massive way. Sony will likely launch too. This is why I mention the casual killer app an educational game utilizing all of Nintendo's strongest properties. This game would be advertised directly at parents during back to school shopping. If Nintendo can win over the parents right as MS and Sony launch Nintendo will have a very strong holiday lineup alongside WiiFitU to further sell parents over the holidays. Nintendo could throw in ebook text books through a deal with a text book company. By targeting the parents and children simultaneously with Mario and the educational game as well as WiiFitU Nintendo could put up a massive fight against the new competitors. Plus they would have announced MarioKartU for 2013 further driving sales.

2. Giving third parties a break in the release schedule. This is something Nintendo has tried multiple times. They tried with DS tried with Wii and most recently tried with 3DS. Nintendo would space their first and second party releases out way to far. Third parties have proven unreliable. Nintendo can and should release at least one first or second party title each month for the first year. No break, to accomodate third parties Nintendo should release new IP most of the first six months. The first two launch titles DK and StarFox would be more then enough established fire power alongside Pikmin to secure hardware sales. The new IP would give third party software a good chance without risking a drought. Third parties would have up to three weeks each week with no challenging software releases.

Third party ports will do shit for WiiU. They will not shift hardware even if Nintendo got GTA5 and CoD etc..etc.. they would not push hardware much if at all. Nintendo needs exclusive content first party new IP would be perfect to lead the charge while third parties still get a good chance. A third party established title like WiiUDraw against a new IP has a decent chance. Just Dance against a new IP alright chance. Sonic against Star Fox and Donkey Kong far better chance then Mario.

Nintendo needs to create an enviroment where third parties can compete, but not one in which Nintendo relies on them too much. They cannot make the mistakes they did with 3DS. The WiiU will be at least 350$ making it among Nintendo's most expensive systems to date they need software from both third and first party. Mario would be far to powerful for a launch window title in fact third parties would likely delay their games to avoid a direct battle. While giving third parties free reign would leave consumers who just spent 350$+ without the high quality software they expect.

During 3DS Nintendo expected 30+ games to launch inside the launch window. Many were cancelled or delayed. Nintendo did not have a strong first party title or titles launch day because they expected third parties to flood the system. By the time Nintendo got its first party guns to the market 3DS needed a price cut and it required Zelda, StarFox and Mario to restart the engine. Nintendo cannot repeat that mistake. Plus the firzt year of hardware on the market is also the best time to introduce new IP.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer