you see there's a problem with making some one buy a needed accessory seperatelly .
look at Vita you need to buy a memory card . for wifi only buyers. but this was not the case earlier everyone had to it wasn't until the complaints rolled in they decided to put out a bundle to try to satisfy people. but i say thats still not working because . for us wifi only buyers we will be screwed over.
and if Nintendo followed with a similar plan .
the same will happen to them ,
the price will probably be 300 -350 any way so leave it as is . you gotta remember its only slightly better then a 360 well by a little more then previously announced but it still can't cost that much to make
wait for confirmation though but i say its a good deal as long as it ain't 600 freaking dollars like ps3 was if it was then ya complain
but if its 279-400 no complaint's would be needed because 360 costed just as much at launch in fact its almost the same now for the biggest available hard drive -it costed 400 for a mw 3 bundle
among other bundles
the wii u can use external hard drives and some people may already have those for their pc so its no big deal .
also sd cards . so if it launches at 400 w a game bundled im set .
cause thats what im spending on my vita already . (well almost) but im going to hold money back 2 months in advance or even sooner