Well if I were Nintendo I would take huge advantage of not having a competitor. I would seek to have a samll but massively powerful lineup in the first 6 months. I would ensure at least one new game would come out each week. With five or so day one titles.
As far as first party goes two of the five titles on launch day would be first party. They would not be Mario or Zelda. I would use StarFox and Donkey Kong, Starfox fans have been waiting for years for a new entry in the series, BandaiNamco's was alright but Nintendo could do so much better. Fans would buy a WiiU just for StarFox. Donkey Kong is stronger then it has been in years and a new DKC or 3D or both mixed like SuperMario3DLand. These two titles on launch day would easily replace a Mario title or Zelda.
I would have another 8 first party games ready for launch year. A realistoc number including Pikmin3 which I would launch within a month of the hardware. This would keep Pikmin from being overlooked launch day while allowing it to be a launch window title. Miyamoto's new master piece would launch during the second month. Third month Retro's top secret project would launch. I would hope to launch another two new IP over the next two months. This would place us near the spring. I would give a few months for second party and exclusive titles to take the controls till summer. Once August hit I would proceed in launching the next three games. Launching a Mario game hopefully in August right as kids get ready to go back to school. I would try to have a Brain Training casual game ready for September, the game would be educational I would use the going back to school period to advertise this game as the perfect return to school product. Using the tablet to make it into a virtual school it would have three versions a Japanese version, North American version and European version. The game would feature games and interactive educational elements including Math, spelling, social studies, science. The game would feature Nintendo characters to help students Donkey Kong helping students in science, western Mario for social studies in NA while he has a different out fit in other regions. Pokemon trainer and his Pokemon teach math. The game would be marketed towards grade 1 to 6. Featuring difficulty (grade based) modes. The game would be a massive hit parents would gobble it up featuring multiplayer elements incoporating both tablets (assuming two are in WiiU).
The third and final first party game of the year would come in November likely the one year anniversary. It would likely be the new Pokemon game from Genius Sonority which was a launch title for Japan but was localized and hyped/perfected for North America.
But of course first party titles would not be enough to sell WiiU. I would have gotten multiple second party titles. Camelot would be a major studio heading this charge. I would have invested heavily in bringing Golden Sun to a home platform. I would try to get at least two other second party titles. An Rpg would he necessary but a casual title would also be likely.
As far as third parties go exclusives would be the backbone of the WiiU's line up. I would personally help THQ fund and create WiiUDraw which would launch within weeks of the hardware. UbiSoft would also be a key publisher and I would do everything I could to get another exclusive title regardless of franchise. I would use my studio jointly under control of Square to release a true sequel to FF:CC this time the game could be played multiplayer using two tablets and two 3DS. I would approach Disney to create an exclusive title based on one of its IP. Sega would be approached immediatly to prepare a new Sonic game exclusive to WiiU it would launch day one alongside Donkey Kong and StarFox with Japan getting the Pokemon game.
Exclusive content would be my other big push. I would put immense pressure on Ea and Activision as well as RockStar to provide not only their ported line ups but exclusive content. Getting DLC weeks early would be a huge effort. I would also try very hard to get exclusive content such as items or even content in levels such as puzzles or content utilizing the tablet not availible on ps3/360.
Almost every third party major title would appear on WiiU. Iwould spend every penny necessary to ensure CoD, Assasins Creed, GTA5 would come to WiiU.
Oh lastly I would pull out the stops releasing a few WiiUWare games created by smaller studios first party. I would approach iOS studios and other tablet developers like GameLoft to create content for WiiUWare. Of course I would have the apps Nintendo recently confirmed will come basic apps like a Twitter and FaceBook app would be necessary. If the tablet actually can work as an ebook I would make sure the Pokemon novels and all Nintendo licensed literature would be released over the first year. I would make sure a lot of Japanese anime would be availible such as Naruto, One Piece etc..etc.. which aren't availible on many tablets and phones. Netflix would be a day one thing as well as YouTube.
I would put a big ad campaign behind WiiU for as cheap as possible. Mcdonalds, Coke, putting free WiiU contests on all kinds of products probably giving away a thousand units in each region. Donating a further thousand units to childrens hospitals and schools (When the new educational multi franchise game launches). I would team up with Staples and other office school supply stores to give away free copies of the new educational game and promote it in Walmart and every retailer possible during back to school shopping. I would take out ads in parental magazines pushing the educational game. I would flood the tv with ads largely based on Nintendo's new IP and Mario's title.
Another move would be to launch a new anime in Japan based on Miyamoto's new IP. The season would he at least 13 full 23 minute episodes. The tv series would be an advertisement but also a money maker. Lice
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer