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Forums - General Discussion - Guess the user picture game!

Silver-Tiger said:
pezus and TrasharmD are both correct.

so happy my painting is famous :D

Around the Network
trasharmdsister12 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
D) Supertrasharmdsister12StarGateAtlantis

If I ever get bored of this account, that's definitely going to be my next username.

And you'll abreviate it to Stads12sga

Signature goes here!

Well the StarGate picture is flipped so... sitnaltA etaGratS.

No mention of me

no one is trying to solve my puzzle :(

Around the Network
Korppi said:

Seriously, I won't catch any sleep tonight unless I figure out that Red Dead picture.

#3 by highwaystar is Kasz216. (Kazoo + no o's + 216)

Well done, I'm impressed.










Dammit! im pretty sure noone will get the last one though...

P.S. what was with that crypic message you posted on my wall?

The penny has finally dropped!

@chrissindahouse: Ballmalletnerdz?


Mwahahaha ... ha...