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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo should remake their Wii games in HD for WiiU...

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Should Nintendo remake their Wii games in HD for WiiU?

Yes 86 45.99%
No 83 44.39%
results 18 9.63%
OneTwoThree said:
Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
They should allow the Wii U to upscale old Wii games to 1080p. I've seen some Wii games in high resolution, Mario Galaxy is good enough to be a 360 game.

THIS is what they have to do. 

   I second this motion. Besides, what's the point of remaking these games when we already know that within 2 years of WiiU's launch, 80% of Wii's first party line-up that you would have wanted remakes for would already have proper WiiU sequels?" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

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Joelcool7 said:

What you suggest and the OP suggests is not a simple higher resolution. It is a remake and a remake costs a lot of money and resources. 

I'm still not sure if that is really true, but seeing how I have no evidence, I'll stop questioning about it.

And thanks for your sharing your opinions. It's starting to make me think a little bit more about this topic.  

if their like the current hd remakes then it wont make a difference.

I'll take widescreen HD versions of Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword as preorder bonuses for the Wii U Zelda.

Same goes for the Metroid Prime Trilogy as a bonus for Wii U Metroid, and ditto the Gamecube/Wii Marios.

I would like to see Super Mario Sunshine for Wii U before any of this Wii stuff! But, in the end, I bet they will end up remaking old games in HD, just like they remake N64 games for the 3DS!

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tolu619 said:
OneTwoThree said:
Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
They should allow the Wii U to upscale old Wii games to 1080p. I've seen some Wii games in high resolution, Mario Galaxy is good enough to be a 360 game.

THIS is what they have to do. 

   I second this motion. Besides, what's the point of remaking these games when we already know that within 2 years of WiiU's launch, 80% of Wii's first party line-up that you would have wanted remakes for would already have proper WiiU sequels?

this!! BC with higher res = the best

but is it possible?

As long as they don't remake anything 2 gens or more old (GC and older).

Certainly Mario Galaxy 2 should be re-released in HD. I would pay full price for that one in particular. I am not sure of any others though. Many games nowadays are the type that do better with updates; Monster Hunter for example, Tri will be outdated when Monster Hunter 4 comes out on 3DS, and that in turn will be outdated when 5 comes out on Wii U; no point in making Monster Hunter 3 in HD. Mario Galaxy 2 is a different story though, Mario Galaxy 3 (or whatever series they choose to make) will likely be very different on Wii U, and won't make MGalaxy 2 obsolete.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Joelcool7 said:

It most definitly can hurt Nintendo's reputation just look how pissed gamers have been with 3DS's constant remakes StarFox64/OcarinaOfTime.

Uhhh, I REEALLY disagree with you there; those gamers are ignoramuses if that is the case; Ocarina of Time 3D and Starfox 64 3D are awesome! I definitely preferred these games to most of the original Zelda and Starfox releases since. Ocarina of Time 3D is very easily the best handheld game ever released; why would people be mad about having top games released on their system? Seems fairly stupid.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Wii games I would buy if they were remade in HD:

-Super Mario Galaxy Collection (SMG1+2)
- Metroid Prime Collection (Prime1+2+3)
- Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

I would pay full price for those and I'm sure millions more would do the same.