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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo should remake their Wii games in HD for WiiU...

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Should Nintendo remake their Wii games in HD for WiiU?

Yes 86 45.99%
No 83 44.39%
results 18 9.63%

... And sell them in budget price. Who wouldn't want to buy Metroid Prime 3 or Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 in native 1080p for $30-40? The remakes can be used as launch titles or games to fill up a drought season for the WiiU's first year of launch. 

Games should include Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, SSBB with better online (like a SSBB channel. Why the hell didn't this game get one from system updates when Mario Kart's  did so well?), Mario Kart Wii, and more. 

What do you guys think? Should they spend time doing this? 

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Good way to earn extra $. I personally wouldn't buy them, but I know others would.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

They should allow the Wii U to upscale old Wii games to 1080p. I've seen some Wii games in high resolution, Mario Galaxy is good enough to be a 360 game.

I don`t know... maybe GC games? Like a Mario Sunshine remake or a Wind Waker remake... for launch.

No simply put no.

If Nintendo was to release HD versions of past games it shouldn't be individual titles. If they were to do so release a HD Metroid Prime Collection, an HD (Zelda collection) , Mario Galaxy 1+2 HD.

But honestly I think Nintendo would damage their reputation by re-releasing all these games. Its a move of desperation Sega started re-releasing their Sonic games each generation. Yah they sold but today who doesn't have five copies of Sonic the Hedgehog? How many of these consumers actually want these constant remakes?

I agree with others that WiiU should upscale the resolution of existing WiiU games essentially making them appear HD. But to remake and re-sell them is stupid.

Its also a waste of resources. The amount of money Nintendo would need to spend to rebuild these games and make them 1080p 60fps would cost at least half or so the budget that an entirely new game would cost. It would tie up resources for years, resources that could be churning out new games.

Would you rather see Nintendo upgrading old Wii games to HD or bringing us new HD titles? I say leave the originals alone and give us some new games. I would rather get 15 original HD AAA+ games then 30 remade in HD Wii games!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Joelcool7 said:

No simply put no.

If Nintendo was to release HD versions of past games it shouldn't be individual titles. If they were to do so release a HD Metroid Prime Collection, an HD (Zelda collection) , Mario Galaxy 1+2 HD.

But honestly I think Nintendo would damage their reputation by re-releasing all these games. Its a move of desperation Sega started re-releasing their Sonic games each generation. Yah they sold but today who doesn't have five copies of Sonic the Hedgehog? How many of these consumers actually want these constant remakes?

I agree with others that WiiU should upscale the resolution of existing WiiU games essentially making them appear HD. But to remake and re-sell them is stupid.

Its also a waste of resources. The amount of money Nintendo would need to spend to rebuild these games and make them 1080p 60fps would cost at least half or so the budget that an entirely new game would cost. It would tie up resources for years, resources that could be churning out new games.

Would you rather see Nintendo upgrading old Wii games to HD or bringing us new HD titles? I say leave the originals alone and give us some new games. I would rather get 15 original HD AAA+ games then 30 remade in HD Wii games!

I doubt upscaling these games into 1080p while adding extra detail, shadowing, etc will take a long time. And this can't really hurt Nintendo's reputation when gamers have proven to be more than ecstatic for HD remakes of old games, such as God of War or the upcoming Halo Combat Evolved remake. We're also talking about potential buyers who only played 360 and PS3 games and dismissed the Wii because its games weren't in HD. These games have never been ported before so I don't see how that's an issue either.  

I voted for no.
I didn't like how others managed the upscaling of old gaming (charging too much $$). I would appreciate it if it came as a bonus, sort of what Ubisoft is doing as they include Beyond Good and Evil HD with your preorder of Rayman Origins

t3mporary_126 said:
Joelcool7 said:

No simply put no.

If Nintendo was to release HD versions of past games it shouldn't be individual titles. If they were to do so release a HD Metroid Prime Collection, an HD (Zelda collection) , Mario Galaxy 1+2 HD.

But honestly I think Nintendo would damage their reputation by re-releasing all these games. Its a move of desperation Sega started re-releasing their Sonic games each generation. Yah they sold but today who doesn't have five copies of Sonic the Hedgehog? How many of these consumers actually want these constant remakes?

I agree with others that WiiU should upscale the resolution of existing WiiU games essentially making them appear HD. But to remake and re-sell them is stupid.

Its also a waste of resources. The amount of money Nintendo would need to spend to rebuild these games and make them 1080p 60fps would cost at least half or so the budget that an entirely new game would cost. It would tie up resources for years, resources that could be churning out new games.

Would you rather see Nintendo upgrading old Wii games to HD or bringing us new HD titles? I say leave the originals alone and give us some new games. I would rather get 15 original HD AAA+ games then 30 remade in HD Wii games!

I doubt upscaling these games into 1080p while adding extra detail, shadowing, etc will take a long time. And this can't really hurt Nintendo's reputation when gamers have proven to be more than ecstatic for HD remakes of old games, such as God of War or the upcoming Halo Combat Evolved remake. We're also talking about potential buyers who only played 360 and PS3 games and dismissed the Wii because its games weren't in HD. These games have never been ported before so I don't see how that's an issue either.  

Yah you see Nintendo WiiU could upscale the resolutions on existing Wii games without needing to remake/re-release them. It most definitly can hurt Nintendo's reputation just look how pissed gamers have been with 3DS's constant remakes StarFox64/OcarinaOfTime and then all the ports.

Also yah I have heard a shit load of upset gamers over Halo Combat Evolved's remake as well as the Sony HD re-releases. Yes some consumers are happy with them and will buy them, but they are damaging the companies reputations as I said earlier with Sega , consumers are beginning to get sick of buying the same game over and over.

If WiiU launched and even 5% of the games availible on WiiU were upscaled HD ports consumers would complain. Gamers want new AAA+ HD games over remakes. The market for remakes is smaller then the one for new games, also you are not talking actual remake like Halo's or even the HD games on PS3. "1080p while adding extra detail, shadowing, etc" Halo Anniversary is rebuilt from the ground up with Reach's graphics and physics engines. Many of the other HD versions of games were rebuilt or at least completely restructured around the newer technology offered on 360/PS3. But say the games were remade for WiiU, you'd need to implement the WiiU controller, you'd need to do a shit load more then a little shadowing and upscaling, you'd need to go into the character models and enviroments and actually rebuild them or upgrade them.

What you suggest and the OP suggests is not a simple higher resolution. It is a remake and a remake costs a lot of money and resources. As said the WiiU should be able to upscale the Wii games showing them in 1080p, I mean right now you can pirate a Wii game and play in 1080p. That is as far as Nintendo should go at least for now.

Nintendo should not invest any resources in re-making any titles in HD. Maybe next generation when the technology is drastically better then a remake might be useful. But when you can put the original Wii disk in your WiiU and play it in a higher resolution I see absultely no need to invest millions or even hundreds of thousands on remaking them!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
They should allow the Wii U to upscale old Wii games to 1080p. I've seen some Wii games in high resolution, Mario Galaxy is good enough to be a 360 game.

THIS is what they have to do. I'll be angry if Wii U doesn't upscale Wii games on the fly, because I'm pretty sure the hardware will be capable of doing that. You need a fast PC for Dolphin, but Dolphin is emulating the hardware - Wii U will probably be able to run Wii code natively. 

Rereleasing slightly upgraded versions is a bad idea. People would feel ripped off, hate on Nintendo for being lazy and greedy, and those games would overcrowd the market, taking away from the anticipation for the new games. 

i say no, because doing so will only hinder development resources for new content.
I'm fine with playing brawl, galaxy, kirby, fire emblem, etc in 480p