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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If motion controls went away, would you miss them?

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Would you miss motions controls?

Yes, I think they have re... 14 20.90%
Yes, they can make a good... 20 29.85%
I don't know. 2 2.99%
No, they haven't really ... 10 14.93%
No, they haven't helped ... 21 31.34%

Not currently, but anything that gets peoples asses moving cannot really be considered bad. I do enjoy the occasional dance game even if I never want to own one. It will never take over because it is our nature to be lazy and conserve energy. It is simple biology really, but I wont go on.

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I definitely would miss them, but not as much as I would've have though I would have 4 or 5 years ago

Yes I would. For certain genres it's simply better than DA control, yet people only ever seem to focus on those where they aren't as reasons for them to be done away with.


I don't want to play a dual analog shooter ever again.

Try playing GoldenEye Wii with both the Classic Controller and the Wii Remote and it's easy to see which is quicker and more accurate.

Now if there were more good FPS using motion controls they'd be on to something..

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amp316 said:
I don't want to play a dual analog shooter ever again.

Try playing GoldenEye Wii with both the Classic Controller and the Wii Remote and it's easy to see which is quicker and more accurate.

Now if there were more good FPS using motion controls they'd be on to something..

What's the point of using slightly less retarded control system for shooters when you have absolutly superior solution in keyboard + mouse available?


I'll be very glad when motion controls go and die. At least the danger next gen using them as default have been avoided with Wii fall from grace and Move flop.


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no never liked them as they were never done right at least make them work properly!

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt


I wouldn't have returned to console gaming if it wasn't for motion controls. So I'd miss them and disapear for another decade.

We still need to see more gyro motion controls.

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no i wouldnt, when they first came out i was exited and was looking forward to what they could do but after using them im not really impressed. Hopefully they improve in the future.

Now playing: Mortal Kombat, Resistance 1 and 2

Buying next: Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, MW3

Right now, I'd miss motion controls about as much as I'd miss the rumble in the controllers, which I've rarely used, if ever, in the last couple of years.

I think the technology and software using it has to mature some more.