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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Atheists,Whats your reason?

snakenobi said:
zarx said:
snakenobi said:
zarx said:
Because I think society and the government impose more than enough rules and regulations, I see no need to seek out more.

thats what they want you to become weak and give up


all religons do not impose rules.


panthiesim is like athiesm but you don't feel weak

What? They who?

And I don't feel weak and I don't need to belong some religious group to make me feel better about myself, that is for weak people who can't stand on their own. Being an Athiest doesn't make you feel weak.

it will in the future

and panthiesm isn't about belonging to any group

I would still like you to explain this "thats what they want you to become weak and give up" who is "they"?


And I don't see how not beleving in any spiritual or mystical beings or a inteligent creator of the universe and not assosiating myself with a religion will ever make me feel weak.

As for panthiesm it's just athiesim/humanisim with an element of nature worship, sorry I just don't see the point of worshiping nature. True it describes the most powerful and fundemental forces in the universe but worshiping it isn't going to change shit, if you want to do something then go actually do something about it like volunteer to pick up trash or plant a tree.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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snakenobi said:
Mr.Ashtear said:
Because I´m not afraid of death, finitism and randomness of the Universe. The need to sofocate those fears are the major reason for the creation of the concept of gods, imo.

so you think religious people are afraid of death?

Buddhism has no GOD's and atheism is about being pantheist which is the same as Buddhism

it is the same. A belief in and need for transcendence  as a psychological shield against the horror of the finite. 

pwin´ every other villain since 1994

snakenobi said:
Rath said:
There is no real evidence of anything supernatural having ever happened. Therefore I don't believe in anything supernatural, which makes me an atheist.

religion isn't about supernatural things happening,not all are atleast


anything supernatural happening will disturb the perfectness of this world


The creation of the universe would still be considered supernatural. All theistic religions are going to attribute this act to God. Once the universe is created, God might not intervene because of the perfectness of the world, but it still requires the first supernatural act.

Also, as you have defined it, someone could be both religious and an atheist at the same time. An atheist believes God does not exist. In the case of Buddhism (the non-theistic strains), there is no God, so someone could actually be Buddhist while not believing in God, hence, they would subscribe to both Buddhism and atheism. This is the reason why most people limit the discussion of religion v. atheism to theistic strains of religion. Without the question of God, there is not really much to debate.

I see no reason to believe in any gods, the default stance is disbelief.
I stopped being a christian after I read the bible.

RolStoppable said:
It saves me money.

This is the most pragmatic post in the thread.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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RolStoppable said:
snakenobi said:

so you fell into the trap that children are born with religion of their parents.i know that thinking,most people have it

anyways,pantheism and Buddhism isn't about somebody telling you about what is correct or not,it is about you deciding.

That "trap" really isn't about thinking, it's something that just goes on your birth certificate.

Not picking any religion is also all about me deciding, so I don't see why I should bother with what any religion has to offer when I already have what I want.

There's a religion section on Austrian birth certificates? ... That just seems wrong and inappropriate.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Porcupine_I said:
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours"

Stephen Roberts

i don't have any

panthiesm like reliogns(buddhism,taosim) have no GOD.

Kantor said:
The phrase "blind faith in science" makes no sense. Science is based upon rationality and experimentation. Everything is assumed false until there is evidence of it. And if more evidence proves a theory wrong, the theory is modified or replaced by a new theory. Science's willingness to change is its greatest strength.

On the other hand, religion is a fixed "truth" which was somewhat believable 2000 years ago, with the meagre science that we had, but which quite often contradicts actual scientific evidence (creationism contradicts evolution; the Bible has no dinosaurs; the world is 3 billion rather than 600 years old, and so on) which has been more recently discovered. You are putting your faith in somebody who claims to have seen god (who has of course done no such thing), who hasn't really done any research, and who, to be honest, probably hasn't even read the Bible in any detail, judging by what the majority of Christians seem to preach.

I would gladly put my "faith" in the consensus of research scientists who analyze and question everything, but not in a pastor or imam or what have you who tells me that I am going to hell for believing in evolution or some such thing.

Great post!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


zarx said:
snakenobi said:
zarx said:
snakenobi said:
zarx said:
Because I think society and the government impose more than enough rules and regulations, I see no need to seek out more.

thats what they want you to become weak and give up


all religons do not impose rules.


panthiesim is like athiesm but you don't feel weak

What? They who?

And I don't feel weak and I don't need to belong some religious group to make me feel better about myself, that is for weak people who can't stand on their own. Being an Athiest doesn't make you feel weak.

it will in the future

and panthiesm isn't about belonging to any group

I would still like you to explain this "thats what they want you to become weak and give up" who is "they"?

the same people you were talking about soceity,government and soceity's religious rules

And I don't see how not beleving in any spiritual or mystical beings or a inteligent creator of the universe and not assosiating myself with a religion will ever make me feel weak.

cause relgion and GOD aren't the same thing.

pantheism is what you mean,most scientist are pantheist

buddhism has no deities

it will make you weak as one day you will kinda feel the world doesn't make sense andyou live or die doesn't make sense

As for panthiesm it's just athiesim/humanisim with an element of nature worship, sorry I just don't see the point of worshiping nature.

when did pantheism become nature worship?

True it describes the most powerful and fundemental forces in the universe but worshiping it isn't going to change shit,

you don't worship anybody in pantheism

if you want to do something then go actually do something about it like volunteer to pick up trash or plant a tree.

yes i do what i want to do

snakenobi said:
zarx said:
Because I think society and the government impose more than enough rules and regulations, I see no need to seek out more.

thats what they want you to become weak and give up


all religons do not impose rules.


panthiesim is like athiesm but you don't feel weak

Why would you feel week in atheism? I don't believe in any god, how would that make me feel weak? xD