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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 Week Countdown 2011 - End Results

I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would here. As a matter of fact, nearly all of us are doing a lot better than I anticipated. Our predicions weren't this close to the VGChartz numbers in the previous years, were they?

And brilliant work non-gravity.  Both in the prediction field and the thread-making field. Three cheers to you.

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Carl2291 said:
TWRoO said:
Carl2291 said:
Aside from my Wii numbers, Im quite happy this Week.

You came 15th for Week 2.

Compared to everyone else your 3DS numbers were poorer than Wii: I think you came joint 20th for Wii, bu 22nd for 3DS. Your HD twins placement is really good though, joint 1st for X360 (admitedly joint with 6 others) and 3rd for PS3.

Did you quote the wrong person?

My 3DS numbers are actually really good for the Week. I said 370k and the actual numbers are 383k. I slightly underestimated the Japan boost.

Ah sorry, I started checking you on my excel sheet, but  after looking at a few other people for some reason ended up checking theprof00 instead.

Nice, I get back from vacation to see I'm doing pretty decently. Way underestimated the 3DS boost in Japan though.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Pineapple said:

I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would here. As a matter of fact, nearly all of us are doing a lot better than I anticipated. Our predicions weren't this close to the VGChartz numbers in the previous years, were they?

Looking at these 2010 results (which are after all adjustments)

The lowest score in any week was 36 *4/5 = 29 (because we only have 4 platforms this year). So far there have been 1 person below this in week 1 and 3 below it in week 2.

In 2009 the lowest score was 20 * 4/5 = 16. There has been 1 person below this in week 2.

non-gravity said:
Pineapple said:

I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would here. As a matter of fact, nearly all of us are doing a lot better than I anticipated. Our predicions weren't this close to the VGChartz numbers in the previous years, were they?

Looking at these 2010 results (which are after all adjustments)

The lowest score in any week was 36 *4/5 = 29 (because we only have 4 platforms this year). So far there have been 1 person below this in week 1 and 3 below it in week 2.

In 2009 the lowest score was 20 * 4/5 = 16. There has been 1 person below this in week 2.

That's very interesting. I'm not sure why we're better at predicting this year, though. Was it more obvious this year? Is it coincidence? Last year was a rather hard one too predict, as the Wii did far better than anyone could have anticipated. I don't remember anything about the years before that was completely unpredictable, but that might just be my memory failing me.

Or do our numbers end up being far more off after adjustments? That would make sense, as even the numbers we based our predictions off are changed.

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Why am I only good at predicting Wii and 360 sales?

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Moving on up!

Completely underestimated 3DS boost in Japan, and the PS3 sell-through O.o


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Moving on up!

Completely underestimated 3DS boost in Japan, and the PS3 sell-through O.o

Me too, but I put a significant bump for Super Mario Lands 3D's Americas/EMEAA debut, so I hope I do better those weeks. I'm 80 thousand off for 3DS, only 2,300 off for 360, and about 20,000 off for Wii and PS3.

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i can't believe I did again Number one in HD and i am loosing because of my so much loved Wii. Especially because i am loosing in negative... i have so much underestimate it...

it is my fault I need to be punished


Does Machina have inside data...? D: