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Forums - General Discussion - The Top 5 Anime Of All-Time.

- Z Gundam
- Rurouni Kenshin

I don't remember the rest :(

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Dodece said:
The second is that Anime ends up being defined as a genre itself. Which is actually not the case at all. It is an art form that encompasses a lot of genres.

While I obviously agree with your main point (different genres/styles within anime), I would like to point out that the actual form of art is animation, not anime (using its Western definition). Anime can be a sub-genre or style of animation while also having different kinds of sub-genres within it, which is my interpretation at least. And I agree with outlawauron that your classification by genres seems to be a bit arbitrary.

By the way, I'm all for being open-minded but your words seemed to express disdain towards Shonen Jump and "mainstream" anime in general, which I would say it's an example of the opossite... Maybe (and hopefully) I'm just reading too much into your comments, but it wouldn't be the first time I find people complaining about this. Sometimes it seems that the division between what's "mainstream" and what isn't seems to be much bigger than usual among anime fans, and i'm of the opinion that popularity or concensus should never influence your personal opinion on said work.

Anyway... here's my top 5:

1 - Saint Seiya (surprise !)

2 - Rurouni Kenshin

3 - Neon Genesis Evangelion

4 -Dragon Ball/Z

5 - Captain Tsubasa

And while I'm at it, i'll post the rest of my current top 10:

6 -Naruto (I haven't started Shippuden yet, nor finished the fillers)

7 - Sailor Moon (I've watched until half of R)

8 -Elfen Lied

9 - Slayers

10 - Card Captor Sakura

I admit that I have yet to see many series mentioned here, as I haven't seen as much anime as I would've wanted to, for a variety of reasons. Still, I would say that my top 3 at least is quite consolidated, so I don't see it changing in the near future. But who knows...

How come you make so many threads?
I'm not a fan of anime but here are some that I liked:
FMA Brotherhood
Code Geass
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop


There so many anime to choose from. Here's my top 5:

1. Naruto
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Death Note
4. Samurai 7
5. Dragon Ball Z

Honorable Mention: Berserk, Texnolyze, Bleach


1. Clannad: After Story
2. Great Teacher Onizuka
3. Code Geass R2
4. End of Evangelion
5. Yu Yu Hakusho


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pezus said:

Good list. Out of what I have seen I'd say:

1) Code Geass
2) Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
3) Death Note
4) Full Metal Alchemist
5) Cowboy Bebop

Honourable mentions: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, GTO, Baccano

Shit yeah Code Geass was fuckin amazing. Absolutely loved it to bits.


1) Code Geass series

2) Bleach

3) Death Note

4) Dragon Ball Z

5) D-GrayMan


For me personally Death Note was better as manga.

Not sure about the order, but some of my favorites are

-Hajime no Ippo
-Avatar: The Last Airbender
-Rurouni Kenshin
-Death Note
-Dargon Ball Z


I am going to TAG this topic :D

I've only seen Death Note and Monster.

After watching over 210 animes + watching 50 at the moment my list shall be a bit different then most. All except number 4 & 5 are all equal to me, reason being I've only given 3 animes a perfect 10 on MAL leaving the other two as 9's...anyway so lets start this up.



Kimi ni Todoke- Wait a romance Anime without a tsundere as the main female? Well I be damned, Kimi tells the simple story of a girl Sawako and her struggles of dealing with being accepted and becoming friendly with her classmates. Instead of the usual rude main female we get a gentle girl who's only fault is her proneness to misunderstandings. Kimi really is a different kind of anime which both uses the amazing art to convey emotions  and voice actors to really move the person watching. Really the only down side Kimi has is it's slow pace which will makepeople watching yell for it to speed up, even with it's slow pace it's a wonderful story that is rare now days.



2: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica-Wait did  I just put a magical girl anime on this list? I would of asked myself the same thing before Madoka came out and was asking myself was I really going to watch this. In the end I felt I needed to see what Shaft would do with a Magical Girl anime. Better to show my thought process during certain points of the anime then explaining. (Ep 1 half way through) Hmmm normal happy girls, nice art though. (End of Ep1) did ball mustaches...(End of Ep 3) this is not a happy go lucky show...suicide, extreme violence and other extremes not to be seen in most shows more so Magical Girl. (Near the end of Ep 4) O_O WTF! (End of ep 8) WTF WTF WTF! (End of Ep 12 final ep) Bravo...thats all I can say..Bravo.



3: GTO/Great teacher Onizuka- Former Bike leader now becomes a teacher who's only goal is to hook up with High School Chicks? I'll bite, and what a catch this was. GTO tells the story of ex-gang leader Onizuka who ends up teaching middle school students instead of his desired High School students. Onizuka is given the task of teaching the most wild class in the school and Onizuka doesn't care what means it will take both legal or illegal to do his job of teaching these kids. GTO in it's most simple form is a comedy but after watching more and more it begins to change to a deeper anime that teaches us the viewers lessons from Onizuka's unusual methods of teaching and dealing with students. GTO really is an anime that's easier explained in the form of video then words which doesn't do this show justice. Will Onizuka get the girl? Will he hook up with his students? Will he kick the shit out of both his students and others? Will he dress up as a monkey and a fairy? And finally will he finally lose his virginity!? The answers are inside GTO all you have to do is watch and find out.



4: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei- When choosing one of the two spots to fill in I knew I needed to put in one of the Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's in there, after a few minutes of thinking it over I felt the original did the best out of them. Zetsubou follows the life of Itoshiki Nozomu a teacher in high school who gets overall depressed over simple things like subway tolls or abusive texts to the point he attempts to commit suicide daily. His cynical outlook on life has also been influenced by his name when written from up to down reads as Mr. Despair. But as he soon learns his class is even more dysfunctional then him. A girl who only sees everything in positive light, A girl who must have everything perfect, a hikikomori, a girl who stalks who she likes, a girl with duel personalities, an abusive texter, a yaoi fanfic writter, a normal girl and many more.



5: Welcome to the N.H.K.- Being 22 is suppose to be a time of excitement in both relationships and finding jobs for those who've gotten out of college. But for Satou Tatsuhiro this is not the case instead doing either he is stuck in his room fearing the conspiracy that is happening around him caused by the secret evil company NHK. Even if Satou wanted to get a job he's in a bit of a pickle being a NEET and hikikomori who doesn't even leave his room. After a meeting a mysterious girl who begins to us psychology on him to get rid of his ways, Satou begins his very extreme journey of living and meets up with faces of the past. From finding out about internet porn to becoming part of a pyramid scheme Satou deals with extreme situations on his way from recovering from his NEET ways and may even find out about the NHK. In all NHK is a great ride that brings out crazy situations that makes one wonder is being a NEET  a more exciting life then trying hard.

Former something....

dragon ball
samurai shamploo
full metal panic( funny as hell)
death note
code geass
few more.