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Forums - Sales Discussion - June NPD - X360 507k, 3DS 143k, Wii 273k, PS3 276k~ DS 386k

I may be right about my predictions then.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Around the Network

Wow, the DSL price cut (which VGC didn't even account for) completely trumped the Wii price cut, which failed.
What the hell is with 360, though? It could stay up YOY all year!


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

Carl2291 said:
Infamous 2 - 369.2K
Ocarina of Time 3D - 283.2K

Numbers are real, unable to comment further. And this is not a policy shift re: leaks, so don't get any ideas.

So both were undertracked? Right? Right? (Which is awesome, since I supported both titles!)


Man, thinking about it Nintendo deserves it, I hope not a single Wii is sold until they feel like localizing Xenoblade and The Last Story.

(sucks teeth twice) NPD IS A LIE!! lol

Around the Network!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many


Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

Great move by Microsoft, honestly they combined a lot of neat tactics recently. I mean lets be honest, even if 75% of that signs up for Xboxlive, they are now contributing to microsoft's revenue/profit pool. 


Carl2291 said:!/michaelpachter

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion.

So yeah. Those free 360's are in the 507k figure, it's just nobody knows how many

Can't be a lot based on that it was only for Best Buy and they did it for certain models of HP and Dell ($700).

Just want to play good games

donsterydo2 said:
On that laptop deal bullshit (from gaf):

"There were only 3 vendors where the purchases quailified for the promotion, Best Buy, Dell and HP. And it had to be a $700 and up purchase and even then Dell and HP limited it to only specific models. And you had to purchase it with a valid student ID. So this was a very small subset of the laptops purchased in the month."

I think the increase of sales is mostly due to MS's E3.

Nsanity said:
Carl2291 said:
On GAF they're saying the 360 had a whole bunch of gift card deals all Month.

Explains the huge sales.

Folks over on Gaf are also forgetting the Wii and PS3 having whole bunch of deals aswell [ not directed towards you in anyway

Yes but only one was given away when you purchased a new Windows (~90% of OS marketshare) computer.