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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo 3DS: The Failed Launch

The only thing that "killed" the 3DS, and Im sure Sony would have been happy with these sales thus far btw, is the success of the DS, simple as that.

They dealt with the situation as quickly as possible, they hired a new marketing executive.

Anyway ign trawling for hits.......

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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I think the author should get a grip. EVERY console has this issue. I mean, no console have had stellar exclusives ready for launch, it always comes afterwards. Early adopters get burned, we get it. It was launched too early, but not as bad as IGN make it out to be.

And Nintendo will be happy, it's there most successful launch of all time, after all. In November when all the great games come out and it's selling 500k a week over the holiday period, we'll look on and laugh at this thread.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I seem to remember saying and doing similar things with my DS in early 2005: it was mostly a portal for playing Super Mario Advance 2 (Mario World)

And we all know where that ended up. The problem is everyone wants instant gratification. This is probably the same guy who whined "The PS3 has no games!" in early 2007, or bitches everytime Nintendo doesn't show Mario, Zelda, and Metroid all in one E3...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

megaman79 said:

The only thing that "killed" the 3DS, and Im sure Sony would have been happy with these sales thus far btw, is the success of the DS, simple as that.

They dealt with the situation as quickly as possible, they hired a new marketing executive.

Anyway ign trawling for hits.......

They were hiring a new marketing executive either way, since Cammie had announced her departure well before the 3DS' release.

Though i still feel something needs to be done to kick NoA into higher gear...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

darthdevidem01 said:
Tizona said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I don't know but doesn't every gaming system have this problem at launch and for months after launch?

It takes time for great games to start coming out consistently (took PS3 almost a year after launch to get this coming) for "most" systems...some never do get great games coming out consistently.

That's what I've been thinking. People always compare launch's to some mythical system that launched with 10 AAA games and never had any issues. Most systems launch with 1-2 games worth playing and a couple other games to fill shelf space. What game besides Mario 64 was REALLY worth buying 64 at launch? PS3 had Resistance and not much else, and we've already talked about the dismal first 6 months of software for the original DS. It takes time. I wish every game I wanted for 3DS was out right this second too, but that doesn't mean Nintendo failed.

Yeah I agree.

Even PS2's first year was dull....Xbox 360 had a few dull months you said PS3's first year was dull

Now the above 3 systems libraries are seen as among the best in gaming...ever.

DS itself, did that have a good launch lineup window of games? I don't remember

Its ridiculous that journalists are trying to think up of problems 3DS is having and are trying to claim surprise over them as almost every system has this problem.

More than anything 3DS' much lower than expected hardware sales seem to have shocked people which is leading to disappointment/panic articles like these.

Yeah the DS launch was pretty much a port of Mario 64, a Spiderman game, also a Ridge Racer and about 6 other games you have never played. It was pretty lame for months. And then destroyed for years.

I agree that hardware sales are lower than I would have thought, but to me it just goes along with the economy, the totally new and "gotta see it to understand" tech, and the lack of games RIGHT NOW. It'll even out soon enough and sales will be huge by holidays, I predict.


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Even I knew not to buy the system at launch.

This seems like somene with more dollars than sense.

When I can get Mario Kart -- there goes $600.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Gojimaster said:

Nintendo did drop the ball on releasing the system too fast.  But I still think the author is whining unnecessarily.  Even the DS didn't have a great launch.  Nintendo will recover... but will they be able to do it before they lose much of their marketshare to NGP and Apple?  That is the question.

After reading the initial posts, and its criticisms, I am left pondering whether or not ANY system had any good launch.  I remember the Genesis and its 4 or so titles at launch.  The Turbgrafx-16 was the same.  The DS didn't have much, neither did any other system I can remember.  The launch seemed fine for me.  Now, do people want to complain about POST launch?  Well, I guess that is justifiable to do so.  Not having the online component ready is likely a weakness also.

I realize that news tends to be reduced to a trickle in the month before E3, but really? We're really going over this AGAIN? Gaming community/journalists, you have failed me once more

i probably would have gotten one, but I heard that the battery life wasn't too good, so I thought I'd wait until the next version of the 3DS is released

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

NYANKS said:
NoirSon said:

What is hurting the 3DS launch is that it doesn't really have even 1 AAA game that is either getting people talking about it or satisfying the traditional gamer.

The best games are niche games and the closest thing to the next big thing (outside RE:MErcenaries) for the system will be the remixed port of a N64 game. Cause for concern, although as others have stated this is a common occurance. It is just that there is usually one great game to keep people solid for a few months.

While it is normal somewhat, I feel like it's worse here.  They rushed the thing out, without even one unique AAA game.  Given the lengthy timetable, this might be a worse launch then those of the PSP and most other Ninty handheld launches.

And with every day, NGP gets closer, hehe.

Nah, the DS launch was way worse.

Don't expect the NGP to take off either.