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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Modern Warfare 3 Leaked!

Looks nice, but I think I'm sticking with Battlefield 3. DICE won't let me down! (I hope)

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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Carl2291 said:

How people can say it sucks already and hate on it already... Without actually seeing anything from it, baffles me.

If this was a PS3, Wii or 360 exclusive and it was getting this hate for no reason at all, people would be banned....

I'll give it hate because according to Activision's track record they release games now full of bugs, glitches, errors, etc.  I will not buy another game from Activision again (this is saying a lot because I was once a full fledged Blizzard supporter).  CoD games don't even deserve their sales.  People pay 15 dollars for 4 maps x3 for each game when CoD is released after a year.  They turn the end user into beta testers.  Fuck Activision.

Wagram said:
TT Makaveli said:

looks nothing new...

It's Call of Duty....what do you expect?

It's still going to sell millions, it's still going to get inflated fanboyish reviews, and it's still going to be nothing special like the series has always has been.

There are plenty of other franchises this generation that are guilty of the same thing.

Call of Duty is not the worst of the bunch to be honest, Black Ops was shit, but I really enjoyed COD4.

Unless Activision can show me something great and DIFFERENT, I won't buy this game.

This game will probably be a generic peice of crap designed to generate money, but there is still a chance that it COULD be a good game.

After seeing Battlefield 3, there is NOTHING that this has on it.

Linkasf said:

After seeing Battlefield 3, there is NOTHING that this has on it.


Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

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Goddbless said:

Looks fun and the story sounds interesting so far. I might pick this one up.

I hope your being sarcastic

Gojimaster said:

I can't see how someone could look at this pseudo-announcement and say that this looks terrible. We got an announcement talking about 20 maps (most multiplayer games approach no where near this number), a list of exotic locales (CoD has always had interesting maps, Spec Ops mode (which is great), and a new Survival mode (more Co-op options equals fantastic). This leak didn't talk anything about the gameplay, the guns, and the new multiplayer additions.  So how can anyone really judge this game? 
It basically comes down to the fact that a lot of people just love to hate CoD and they interject that hatred into any CoD thread.

To me, though, this looks like it is going to be in the list of the top 3 FPS games of 2011 with BF3 and one other great FPS of 2011.  CoD fixed many of their mistakes in  Black Ops, and I would imagine that they will further refine the formula in MW3. 

QFT to the mother fucking maximum.  Im so sick of everyone slamming this franchise without truly seeing the value it brings to the table.  No game in the history of video games has catered to such a large audience while still including features that many hardcore gamers can apprecaite and flock to.  Many people complain that a noob can come in and still perform well, and while that is the case, it was a design decision, not by mistake.  I love the fact that players are able to jump right in and perform well, while also still including the ability to form teams with friends and form actual strategies that truly work.  The problems that people have with this game are found in almost every multiplayer shooter in existence, people just love to hate.  

Another problem people constantly complain about is how call of duty has ruined gaming, when in fact you should be pissed off at every other company attempting to create the next call of duty, its not infinity wards fault that they just so happened to create the most popular piece of entertainment in the cosmos, blame every dev and publisher who pushes this shit into every game they make.  I too do not like the cod effect that trickles down into every genre of video game, but I dont blame call of duty for that, I blame money hungry execs who eschew creativity in favor of a quick buck.  While there are still some genuinely creative and great games on the horizon, devs seem to use call of duty more as an excuse to copy and paste rather than explain their lack of ingenuity.  This may explain why people complain about cod being the same damn thing, when in fact it is not.   


huaxiong90 said:
Linkasf said:

After seeing Battlefield 3, there is NOTHING that this has on it.


Because youve played battlefield 3?  While i have no doubt itll be good, theres no reason both cant coexist as they cater to different types of gamers.  Graphics arent everything, and I can guarantee that casual gamers are going to get destroyed in battlefield 3 much like every other battlefield game due to a much steeper learning curve, both games will be great because they are going to be much different and features different styles of gameplay.  COD = makes you feel like a badass, BF = a great sense of accomplishment through great teamwork.  I personally love both styles of play, as they are both FUN to me, the only thing that matters.


sethnintendo said:
Carl2291 said:

How people can say it sucks already and hate on it already... Without actually seeing anything from it, baffles me.

If this was a PS3, Wii or 360 exclusive and it was getting this hate for no reason at all, people would be banned....

I'll give it hate because according to Activision's track record they release games now full of bugs, glitches, errors, etc.  I will not buy another game from Activision again (this is saying a lot because I was once a full fledged Blizzard supporter).  CoD games don't even deserve their sales.  Idiots pay 15 dollars for 4 maps x3 for each game when CoD is released after a year.  They turn the end user into beta testers.  Fuck Activision.

Its funny that you call these people idiots, yet theyll get more entertainment value out of those 5 maps than they will from most 60 dollar games because theyll play them often and for a long period of time.  I still play cod4 from time to time, and bought that map pack the day it came out.  I think I justified my purchase, much like I have with every cod pack thats every been made.  Just because YOU dont see value in it, doesnt mean someone else doesnt, no need to label and judge others based on your own discretion.  Thats the problem with people today, judging others based on their own preferences and beliefs without taking the time to get to know someone.  It's rather sad actually.


steveht said:

haters gonna hate.


MW3 is going to be great and it is going to sell in the bucket load. i dont know why this franchise gets this much hate,  nintendo and microsoft has been milking their IP's for centuries (halo,mario,pokemon,etc) yet none of these IP's get this ammount of hate.


edit: OMG,i didnt see the intervention and the sniper rifle from cod 4. i want more snipers!!!

For sure, I dont really like black ops snipers and thought that cod4 had the best sniper rifle selection of any call of duty, I hope they include the R700!!  My fav by far, man make this happen IW!!

Edit:  or just a decent selection of bolt action, it is so satisfying to pop a few heads with a ba while lookin ba lol.