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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So PS3 and 360 fans, how do you feel about the new Nintendo HD rumors?


So PS3 and 360 fans, how do you feel about the new Nintendo HD rumors?

So excited! Always liked ... 36 12.46%
Already was a Wii fan, HD... 52 17.99%
Wait and see, wasn't a f... 28 9.69%
Not excited,Nintendo just... 57 19.72%
Its coming too early, not... 45 15.57%
See poll results. 70 24.22%

I thought it would be interesting to get feedback from the owners of the HD twins on the new Nintendo hardware rumors.  Obviously for us the HD isn't anything revolutionary but it is very exciting.  So basically what will Nintendo have to do with their next-gen hardware to ensure you buy one?  What kind of hardware would you like to see?  What kind of games?  How do you feel about the online system? 

For me personally I owned a Wii for several years but ended up trading it in.  I thought Nintendo's first party was excellent but I played my PS3 and 360 FAR more than my Wii so I just traded it to grow my game library for the other two systems.  That being said I'm REALLY pumped to see what Nintendo can do with this next line of hardware and the HD powered graphics is a great start.  All Nintendo has to due to ensure I buy day 1 is keep their excellent first party games comeing, vastly improve the online experience, and get much better 3rd party support.  That being said I believe Nintendo will be able to come up with a pretty awesome system for this next-gen but how do you already HD console owners feel? 

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Pretty indifferent. The only Nintendo IPs I really go bonkers for are 2D Metroid, Fire Emblem, and Mother, and all are basically less than afterthoughts for the Big N. I don't really anticipate Nintendo's new system getting massive amounts of exclusive third party support, and if what we're hearing is true, Nintendo will be back to having a system that's a half-generation or so behind once the new Xbox and Playstation launch.

Plus, I just don't really understand the burning desire for a new generation of consoles right now. Then again, I'm not much of a technophile and don't give a shit about hardware. Software is where it's at, and I'm only just now starting to feel REALLY spoiled for choice in terms of games.

badgenome said:

Pretty indifferent. The only Nintendo IPs I really go bonkers for are 2D Metroid, Fire Emblem, and Mother, and all are basically less than afterthoughts for the Big N. I don't really anticipate Nintendo's new system getting massive amounts of exclusive third party support, and if what we're hearing is true, Nintendo will be back to having a system that's a half-generation or so behind once the new Xbox and Playstation launch.

Plus, I just don't really understand the burning desire for a new generation of consoles right now. Then again, I'm not much of a technophile and don't give a shit about hardware. Software is where it's at, and I'm only just now starting to feel REALLY spoiled for choice in terms of games.

Yeah I totally agree on not being ready for new consoles for new hardware from Microsoft or Sony, its still FAR too early for them to release a new console since those two seem to just now be fully hitting their stride.

That being said I do think its time for Nintendo.  Nintendo's hardware at this point has become pretty outdated and they fully realize that, and won't deny it.  I'm sure people like Miyamoto have amazing ideas that are currently being held back by the power of the system and are pushing Nintendo towards releasing new hardware for the developers to take advantage of.

I already own a wii myself but havent invested in it nearly as much as my xbox and ps3, I own most of the first party AAA titles but thats about it.  An hd wii is extremely exciting, I cant wait to see what zelda and mario games will look like on a system thats supposedly on par with or more powerful than the 360/ps3.  This will also mean that nintendo fans can finally experience multiplatform releases that ps3/360 owners have been enjoying this gen.  Im definitely on board, cant wait for E3!!


why are you excited? by the looks of it next gen is going to be the same situation tech wise. wii 2 behind by a gen. and the xbox and ps will be equal or atleast very comparable. now unless the wii2 gets lots of 3rd party support i see no reason for an hd twin fan to want to get one.

first of all the wii2 isnt a way of taking the hd twins fans. mainly because ninty is going to have to support the casual and that means that a portion of its devs will be focused on them. other then that as a hd twin fan i dont like mario, platformers, donkey kong, starfox..... thats why i dont own a wii.

the only 3 big ninty franchises i can see pleasing core gamers, are zelda, smash brawl, and metroid. 

when it comes to zelda im interested in it, but i want to play it with a normal controller, and i want it to have blood, lots of blood,(and thats not going to happen since ninty want to make zelda a bigger franchise).

when it comes to smash brawl, theyr going also to have to make the graphics and the game more mature, as well as adding other characters which hd twins fans like, and thats not going to happen.

metroid is going to need a good multiplayer, and thats not going to happen.

ninty fans are going to love wii2, but as a sony fan, until now i see nothing in the wii2 that i want for my next gen console.

unless it gets a shitload of zelda games, with controller support, next gen graphics, all in one bundle with a cheap wii2.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

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I think Nintendo need to tap the Wii a little more before moving on.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

BenVTrigger said:

That being said I do think its time for Nintendo.  Nintendo's hardware at this point has become pretty outdated and they fully realize that, and won't deny it.  I'm sure people like Miyamoto have amazing ideas that are currently being held back by the power of the system and are pushing Nintendo towards releasing new hardware for the developers to take advantage of.

That's true. He even talked about wanting to make an M-rated game some day, didn't he? If Nintendo starts really investing in new IPs, I could see myself picking up their new console. But before getting excited at all I'll need to see something that shows that they get it now: that storage solutions aren't just for otaku and nerds, that a robust online infrastructure isn't really optional anymore, that one rehash of an ancient IP every 6 months or so isn't "plenty of games".

zgamer5 said:

why are you excited? by the looks of it next gen is going to be the same situation tech wise. wii 2 behind by a gen. and the xbox and ps will be equal or atleast very comparable. now unless the wii2 gets lots of 3rd party support i see no reason for an hd twin fan to want to get one.

first of all the wii2 isnt a way of taking the hd twins fans. mainly because ninty is going to have to support the casual and that means that a portion of its devs will be focused on them. other then that as a hd twin fan i dont like mario, platformers, donkey kong, starfox..... thats why i dont own a wii.

the only 3 big ninty franchises i can see pleasing core gamers, are zelda, smash brawl, and metroid. 

when it comes to zelda im interested in it, but i want to play it with a normal controller, and i want it to have blood, lots of blood,(and thats not going to happen since ninty want to make zelda a bigger franchise).

when it comes to smash brawl, theyr going also to have to make the graphics and the game more mature, as well as adding other characters which hd twins fans like, and thats not going to happen.

metroid is going to need a good multiplayer, and thats not going to happen.

ninty fans are going to love wii2, but as a sony fan, until know i see nothing in the wii2 that i want for my next gen console.

I'm excited for the exact reasons you listed, HD Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, and probably Monster Hunter.  See I think Wii2 is going to be launching a full 2-3 years before the next console from Sony or MS so I'm way down with haveing 3 pretty powerful HD machines playing all the best games from each 1st party at once.

Granted once Xbox 720 and PS4 come out the Wii2 may be considerably less powerful but for at least 2 years or so its gonna be stacked with awesomeness.

I'm not really freaking out over a new generation. Every week I'm playing more and more games and they are looking better, playing much better and are far more refined than they were the year before. 

If I was to wait a few more years, then Nintendo would have to prove themselves to me. This drought bullshit has got to stop, I play games on a daily basis, if I go through a month without having a good game to play on the console, it's being returned. 

They'd also have to run the fuck away from that whole Wii concept of reusing their old IPs and making them mildly different, but with BONUS wonky motion controls. I want them to blow me away at least three times a year with new characters, new concepts, new worlds, better graphics and amazing refinement. If Nintendo could replicate the greatness of the N64, which means new IPs, major new concepts, great visuals and just that same freshness of it all, then I'd buy it.

They'd also better fix their controller, they can keep that motion control bullshit, but I want a sepearate competent analogue controller with 100% compatability with all their games. I don't want the mess that was Brawl to be replicated again, the Wiimote pretty much destroyed that game.

Nintendo have to build a better relationship with Third Party publishers, they actually have to make a real effort this time, maybe even throw some money around. They seem to have caught on, but they have to push harder and convince publishers that releasing a game exclusively on their platform is the right thing to do.

So basically, maybe. They have to convince me to want it, I'm not going to blindly drop my pants at the reveal. Sony convinced me this generation, so I guess anythings possible in the next generation.


Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

I'm not terribly excited to have new hardware. If the rumors are true about its power level, I suspect the only major differentiator (in games) will be Nintendo's first party games, because most other games are just going to be games that are also out on the PS360.

I'm curious about the controller though, or maybe concerned is a better word for it. From what we've heard, it sounds pretty rubbish for a controller, so I hope the rumors are very inaccurate on that point.

All in all, I'm not really compelled right now. I don't think it's going to do anything for those who already have an HD console, and Microsoft and Sony probably won't be feeling a lot more pressured into putting their next console out. It feels a bit half-hearted so far, but technically we don't know anything about it yet, so...