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I'm not really freaking out over a new generation. Every week I'm playing more and more games and they are looking better, playing much better and are far more refined than they were the year before. 

If I was to wait a few more years, then Nintendo would have to prove themselves to me. This drought bullshit has got to stop, I play games on a daily basis, if I go through a month without having a good game to play on the console, it's being returned. 

They'd also have to run the fuck away from that whole Wii concept of reusing their old IPs and making them mildly different, but with BONUS wonky motion controls. I want them to blow me away at least three times a year with new characters, new concepts, new worlds, better graphics and amazing refinement. If Nintendo could replicate the greatness of the N64, which means new IPs, major new concepts, great visuals and just that same freshness of it all, then I'd buy it.

They'd also better fix their controller, they can keep that motion control bullshit, but I want a sepearate competent analogue controller with 100% compatability with all their games. I don't want the mess that was Brawl to be replicated again, the Wiimote pretty much destroyed that game.

Nintendo have to build a better relationship with Third Party publishers, they actually have to make a real effort this time, maybe even throw some money around. They seem to have caught on, but they have to push harder and convince publishers that releasing a game exclusively on their platform is the right thing to do.

So basically, maybe. They have to convince me to want it, I'm not going to blindly drop my pants at the reveal. Sony convinced me this generation, so I guess anythings possible in the next generation.


Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.