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badgenome said:

Pretty indifferent. The only Nintendo IPs I really go bonkers for are 2D Metroid, Fire Emblem, and Mother, and all are basically less than afterthoughts for the Big N. I don't really anticipate Nintendo's new system getting massive amounts of exclusive third party support, and if what we're hearing is true, Nintendo will be back to having a system that's a half-generation or so behind once the new Xbox and Playstation launch.

Plus, I just don't really understand the burning desire for a new generation of consoles right now. Then again, I'm not much of a technophile and don't give a shit about hardware. Software is where it's at, and I'm only just now starting to feel REALLY spoiled for choice in terms of games.

Yeah I totally agree on not being ready for new consoles for new hardware from Microsoft or Sony, its still FAR too early for them to release a new console since those two seem to just now be fully hitting their stride.

That being said I do think its time for Nintendo.  Nintendo's hardware at this point has become pretty outdated and they fully realize that, and won't deny it.  I'm sure people like Miyamoto have amazing ideas that are currently being held back by the power of the system and are pushing Nintendo towards releasing new hardware for the developers to take advantage of.