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I thought it would be interesting to get feedback from the owners of the HD twins on the new Nintendo hardware rumors.  Obviously for us the HD isn't anything revolutionary but it is very exciting.  So basically what will Nintendo have to do with their next-gen hardware to ensure you buy one?  What kind of hardware would you like to see?  What kind of games?  How do you feel about the online system? 

For me personally I owned a Wii for several years but ended up trading it in.  I thought Nintendo's first party was excellent but I played my PS3 and 360 FAR more than my Wii so I just traded it to grow my game library for the other two systems.  That being said I'm REALLY pumped to see what Nintendo can do with this next line of hardware and the HD powered graphics is a great start.  All Nintendo has to due to ensure I buy day 1 is keep their excellent first party games comeing, vastly improve the online experience, and get much better 3rd party support.  That being said I believe Nintendo will be able to come up with a pretty awesome system for this next-gen but how do you already HD console owners feel?