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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the best Hack n Slash game this gen.


What is the best Hack n Slash game this gen.

Castlevania : Lord Of Shadows 21 5.87%
God Of War 3 230 64.25%
Bayonetta 76 21.23%
Dantes Inferno 6 1.68%
Ninja Gaiden 2 21 5.87%
Ninja Blade 3 0.84%
ethomaz said:
lurkerwithnosoul said: 

Woah, i know an opinion is an opinion, but c'mon now, Bayonetta is boring? I found it way less boring than the likes of God of War and Castlevania LoS.

Could be just me... but sametimes I just slept with Dual Shock on hands (and not died because because the enemies were too stupid). I played it this year after it just read so much good thinks about it ... and now it was the disappointment of the year for me.

Justo to you know I played amazing games this year like Heavy Rain, inFamous and BioShock... Bayonetta is not all that.

GoW3 and Ninja Gainde 2 is way way better than Bayonetta.

Well, that's a first for me. :p

You seem very diferent than me, because i've never fell asleep playing Bayonetta. How could i? The game is action non-stop. You die with ease if you just stand there, or if you just press one button to do your attacks. Also, if you pay no atention, you can't even advance in the game. How did you beat the pursuing scenes (like the lava scene), when you need to be well awake to take some fast decisions? How do you even activate the Witch Time if you pay no attention to the game? You will take a lot of damage for that.


And i'm ok if you think GOW III and NG2 are better than Bayonetta. I'm also prefering Nier to Bayonetta. Don't really know why, but the game is really picking up like no other to me, and is really beautiful.

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Bayonetta easily for me.






lurkerwithnosoul said:

Well, that's a first for me. :p

You seem very diferent than me, because i've never fell asleep playing Bayonetta. How could i? The game is action non-stop. You die with ease if you just stand there, or if you just press one button to do your atacks. Also, if you pay no atention, you can't even advance in the game. How did you beat the pursuing scenes (like the lava scene), when you need to be well awake to take some fast decisions? How do you even activate the Witch Time if you pay no attention to the game? You will take a lot of damage for that.

After played GoW and Ninja Gaiden series on hardest difficult... Bayonetta is child's play... and you don't need thee Witch Time do beat the game (my friend got Platinum without knowing how to use), the Witch Time just make it more easy (there are no Witch Time  in hardest difficult... Climax).

And I played a different game because I didn't need fast decision any time... just use the most powerful sword and chop all the enemies holding triangle... the most powerfull enemy need a maximum of 3 hits in Climax (in others difficults needs just one).

I can make a video showing how easy it was.

Most time I died is when in the middle of cultscenne there are a button to made a action... but that just one time... in the second time I know the button and what to do.

I'd vote for Ninja gaiden if this poll was about the combat system , it's fast and responsive , unfortunately  you get bored of it because the game doesn't have much to offer other than it , nothing to keep you attracted

God of war has so much more , that painful story , jaw dropping graphics and best music this gen . Being exclusive might be helping it winning this poll but it's not winning because of it.

ethomaz said:

lurkerwithnosoul said:

 Well, that's a first for me. :p

You seem very diferent than me, because i've never fell asleep playing Bayonetta. How could i? The game is action non-stop. You die with ease if you just stand there, or if you just press one button to do your atacks. Also, if you pay no atention, you can't even advance in the game. How did you beat the pursuing scenes (like the lava scene), when you need to be well awake to take some fast decisions? How do you even activate the Witch Time if you pay no attention to the game? You will take a lot of damage for that.

After played GoW and Ninja Gaiden series on hardest difficult... Bayonetta is child's play... and you don't need thee Witch Time do beat the game (my friend got Platinum without knowing how to use), the Witch Time just make it more easy (there are no Witch Time  in hardest difficult... Climax).

And I played a different game because I didn't need fast decision any time... just use the most powerful sword and chop all the enemies holding triangle... the most powerfull enemy need a maximum of 3 hits in Climax (in others difficults needs just one).

I can make a video showing how easy it was.

Most time I died is when in the middle of cultscenne there are a button to made a action... but that just one time... in the second time I know the button and what to do.


What? In our first play, you can't desactivate the Wich Time. You really need it. And sure, i'll give you that, the game is easy to beat in the hardest difficult, but that's because you have better suport from the itens you get.

We're talking about our first runs with Bayonetta. You know, normal play, without that freakin cheap itens, without knowing the pattern of the enemies attack, how and when they will attack or appear, and without having the option to chose the Climax difficulty.

That's not a game you beat withou dying alot the first time, sorry. And that's not true because the game is punishing as NG2, it's because it's impredictable the first time you play it.

Btw, i don't want to debate this anymore. I'm pretty sure of my convictions, this game isn't boring. To me, a boring hack n slash game, is a game where you play with a slow character, with slow attacks, little combos or button masher combos, in a game filled with QTE, and with lots and lots of pre-defined paths, that you need always to climb, and sometimes use your whip or weapon to bounce around just to reach the other way... yes, you got what game i will call boring next. Effin Castlevania LoS. (Eh, ok, and God of War :p)


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lurkerwithnosoul said:

What? In our first play, you can't desactivate the Wich Time. You really need it. And sure, i'll give you that, the game is easy to beat in the hardest difficult, but that's because you have better suport from the itens you get.

We're talking about our first runs with Bayonetta. You know, normal play, without that freakin cheap itens, without knowing the pattern of the enemies attack, how and when they will attack or appear, and without having the option to chose the Climax difficulty.

That's not a game you beat withou dying alot the first time, sorry. And that's not true because the game is punishing as NG2, it's because it's impredictable the first time you play it.

Btw, i don't want to debate this anymore. I'm pretty sure of my convictions, this game isn't boring. To me, a boring hack n slash game, is a game where you play with a slow character, with slow attacks, little combos or button masher combos, in a game filled with QTE, and with lots and lots of pre-defined paths, that you need always to climb, and sometimes use your whip or weapon to bounce around just to reach the other way... yes, you got what game i will call boring next. Effin Castlevania LoS.

Sorry but I disagree everything you said about Bayonetta... that's my opinion. The first play is boring, predictible and so easy (I didn't change the difficult the first time).

Like I said before the is too slow even generating asleep ... and only need to use the Which Time for puzzles or when have any specific rule about... is possible to defeat everyone without Which Time.

But like I'm a master of Which Time the game is boring and predictible... just the last playground in Climax (with Which Time disable) is have some fun with it.

ethomaz said:

lurkerwithnosoul said:

Well, that's a first for me. :p

You seem very diferent than me, because i've never fell asleep playing Bayonetta. How could i? The game is action non-stop. You die with ease if you just stand there, or if you just press one button to do your atacks. Also, if you pay no atention, you can't even advance in the game. How did you beat the pursuing scenes (like the lava scene), when you need to be well awake to take some fast decisions? How do you even activate the Witch Time if you pay no attention to the game? You will take a lot of damage for that.

After played GoW and Ninja Gaiden series on hardest difficult... Bayonetta is child's play... and you don't need thee Witch Time do beat the game (my friend got Platinum without knowing how to use), the Witch Time just make it more easy (there are no Witch Time  in hardest difficult... Climax).

And I played a different game because I didn't need fast decision any time... just use the most powerful sword and chop all the enemies holding triangle... the most powerfull enemy need a maximum of 3 hits in Climax (in others difficults needs just one).

I can make a video showing how easy it was.

Most time I died is when in the middle of cultscenne there are a button to made a action... but that just one time... in the second time I know the button and what to do.

I couldn't beat the first stage of Bayonetta on the hardest setting.  I even died quite a bit on the easier settings.  I feel so ashamed, right now.  Please tell me you're kidding!!


Havent played bayonetta but i dont think ill like it.

Castlevania, i just got. i loved the demo

Dante was a joke to the CGI scenes thats about it.

Others not interested in.



       Coffee is for closers!

d21lewis said:

I couldn't beat the first stage of Bayonetta on the hardest setting.  I even died quite a bit on the easier settings.  I feel so ashamed, right now.  Please tell me you're kidding!!

No. I'm serious... even the Alfheim Challenges‎ was not that harder (just two or three I have some trouble).

I got Platinum in a few days... the Challenge of the * from God of War series is so much harder... Ninja Gaiden 2 is fucking bigger harder.

There are automatic assists for hits and combos playing in easier setthing on Bayonetta... how can you died when everything is made automatically? Just close your eyes and push square and triangle together over and over again.

Strategy for easy kill all enemies in all the difficulties: With any sword hold two seconds triagle (or wait the enemy to get close) then release the button and hold it again to load a new attack... repeat that until destroy every enemy in the range (they are unable to attack you for a period of time since your attack is very strong giving time to send another)... this move affects all enemies that are around you.

I played the first time just doing that after got the first sword... that's the way to play the game without Witch Time... with Witch Time is almost impossible to die... just Witch Time, combo, Witch Time, combo, Witch Time, combo, Witch Time over Witch Time, combo over combo... all enemies defected. 

1. God of War 3

2. Bayonetta

3. Darksiders 

4. Heavenly Sword

5. Devil May Cry 4

6. Dante's Inferno


I played the demos for Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, but didn't like them that much.