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d21lewis said:

I couldn't beat the first stage of Bayonetta on the hardest setting.  I even died quite a bit on the easier settings.  I feel so ashamed, right now.  Please tell me you're kidding!!

No. I'm serious... even the Alfheim Challenges‎ was not that harder (just two or three I have some trouble).

I got Platinum in a few days... the Challenge of the * from God of War series is so much harder... Ninja Gaiden 2 is fucking bigger harder.

There are automatic assists for hits and combos playing in easier setthing on Bayonetta... how can you died when everything is made automatically? Just close your eyes and push square and triangle together over and over again.

Strategy for easy kill all enemies in all the difficulties: With any sword hold two seconds triagle (or wait the enemy to get close) then release the button and hold it again to load a new attack... repeat that until destroy every enemy in the range (they are unable to attack you for a period of time since your attack is very strong giving time to send another)... this move affects all enemies that are around you.

I played the first time just doing that after got the first sword... that's the way to play the game without Witch Time... with Witch Time is almost impossible to die... just Witch Time, combo, Witch Time, combo, Witch Time, combo, Witch Time over Witch Time, combo over combo... all enemies defected.