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A question for Americans: Can someone please explain how homsechooling works? Who teaches the kids? Can they do this all the way through high school? Do they recieve a diploma? Is it a good ideea in general?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Around the Network
homer said:
sapphi_snake said:
homer said:

Please be tolerant of my beliefs.

Please stop harassing gays, and the families of departed soldiers.

lol. I was kidding about being a member there lol. Those guys are crazy. :)


"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:

Oh, I do have a question for you Saphhi:

What do you eat in Romania for meals? How much does it cost to make meals in your country? What does it cost to rent or own your own home?

Well, there are traditional Romanian foods, but I personally find them disgusting. I for one like Italian food. My favorite food is pizza, my favorite desert is Tiramisu  and my favorite breakfast is American pancakes. I live in a 4 person home, so we spend quite a lot of money on food (granted, things are probably cheaper over here than in the US). We spend about 500-700 Euros/month on food.

Prices for 2 bedroom appartments start from 70.000 Euros. Rent starts from 300 Euros for a 2 bedroom appartment (depends if it's furnished etc.). Houses start at 60.000 Euros, but the good ones cost over 100k.


How much money does your family make, if I may ask? 500-700 Euros/mo sounds like an insane amount of money for food, given what I understand average Romainian income to be. My wife and I spend maybe $250-$300 a month on food and can make pretty much any kind of food on demand.

Nice to see that you have excellent taste in food, by the way. I am sure our Italian food in America isn't perfectly authentic, but a good Tiramisu is nice.

I did take a look at some of your culinary dishes on Wikipedia... I think I maybe can understand you disliking a lot of your dishes. Your Frigărui looks pretty good, and Ardei umpluÅ£i sounds like something my mother in law makes often which is good (she does tend to add a little bit of pasta sauce/tomato paste to it to give it a sweet kick along with the rice, ground beef, and tops it with mozarella cheese). 

Well, my father has a high paying corporate job. I asked my mom how much we spend, and that's what she told me. I was kinda shocked too, but what can I say, we're big eaters (despite the fact that we're all a really skinny family).

Yes, Tiramisu is amazing. I love it. I'm pretty sure the only place you can get authentic Italian food is Italy.

Romanian culinary dishes suck (though you're right, Frigărui are very very good, one of the only exceptions). The deserts are nice though.


Do you know what the prices are for food in your country? Like, how much does a 1kg bag of rice cost? What about chicken/beef/ect? 1kg of flour? It would be interesting to compare prices for basic foods.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:

Oh, I do have a question for you Saphhi:

What do you eat in Romania for meals? How much does it cost to make meals in your country? What does it cost to rent or own your own home?

Well, there are traditional Romanian foods, but I personally find them disgusting. I for one like Italian food. My favorite food is pizza, my favorite desert is Tiramisu  and my favorite breakfast is American pancakes. I live in a 4 person home, so we spend quite a lot of money on food (granted, things are probably cheaper over here than in the US). We spend about 500-700 Euros/month on food.

Prices for 2 bedroom appartments start from 70.000 Euros. Rent starts from 300 Euros for a 2 bedroom appartment (depends if it's furnished etc.). Houses start at 60.000 Euros, but the good ones cost over 100k.


How much money does your family make, if I may ask? 500-700 Euros/mo sounds like an insane amount of money for food, given what I understand average Romainian income to be. My wife and I spend maybe $250-$300 a month on food and can make pretty much any kind of food on demand.

Nice to see that you have excellent taste in food, by the way. I am sure our Italian food in America isn't perfectly authentic, but a good Tiramisu is nice.

I did take a look at some of your culinary dishes on Wikipedia... I think I maybe can understand you disliking a lot of your dishes. Your Frigărui looks pretty good, and Ardei umpluÅ£i sounds like something my mother in law makes often which is good (she does tend to add a little bit of pasta sauce/tomato paste to it to give it a sweet kick along with the rice, ground beef, and tops it with mozarella cheese). 

Well, my father has a high paying corporate job. I asked my mom how much we spend, and that's what she told me. I was kinda shocked too, but what can I say, we're big eaters (despite the fact that we're all a really skinny family).

Yes, Tiramisu is amazing. I love it. I'm pretty sure the only place you can get authentic Italian food is Italy.

Romanian culinary dishes suck (though you're right, Frigărui are very very good, one of the only exceptions). The deserts are nice though.


Do you know what the prices are for food in your country? Like, how much does a 1kg bag of rice cost? What about chicken/beef/ect? 1kg of flour? It would be interesting to compare prices for basic foods.

I'll look into it and tell you tomorrow. It's super late here, and I need my beauty sleep.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Around the Network
sapphi_snake said:

A question for Americans: Can someone please explain how homsechooling works? Who teaches the kids? Can they do this all the way through high school? Do they recieve a diploma? Is it a good ideea in general?

The parent and or private teacher will teach the child(usually it is the parent). You can do this up through High School. They will receive a diploma. They still have to take state designated tests, such as tcap in tennessee. They also have to take the act in order toget their diploma. It seems like most kids who are home schooled tend to come off to me as antisocial, yet smarter, so it really depends on how you want them to come out. (note, I am generalizing so results may vary)

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

sapphi_snake said:

A question for Americans: Can someone please explain how homsechooling works? Who teaches the kids? Can they do this all the way through high school? Do they recieve a diploma? Is it a good ideea in general?

I can answer this since I was homeschooled for 11 years.


Homeschooling works as follows:

A family decides that they want to homeschool, so they have to get the district public school to sign off on it (it must be approved or its illegal). Once that is done, the family can teach their kids at home, provided they take the same state-level tests once every year or two (I cannot remember which one is the case). To homeschool the family buys ciriculum from various distributors that sell the same or very similar materials that the schools use. As a homeschooler, I used the same math textbooks my wife did when she was in public school.

Generally, the parents teach the kids through homeschool. The state usually desires that someone in the household has a college-level education, but I believe this is not required (but state certified teachers must review the materials and check on the kids to ensure that they are being taught correctly).

Yes, it can be done from kindergarden through high school. In my case, I have never been in a public school setting in my life. The only time(s) I have been there were to take tests like the ACT or other state-level tests to prove I was at an equivilent level of education.

Upon completion you do recieve a diploma. I am unsure how it works in every area of homeschooling, but in my case, we have a local homeschool co-op which has a lot of former school teachers that chose to homeschool their kids. With there being 200 homeschoolers in my area, we have graduation ceremonies like actual schools do, but a much smaller graduation size, obviously (my class had maybe 8 graduates).

As for if homeschooling is a good idea in general - I am probably biased, but I would say 'yes'. Obviously, it is not great for everyone, as it requires a very dedicated set of parents to enforce the ciriculum on the kids, and to instil a school-like set of discipline for the kids. If done properly, homeschooling is usually superior to public schools, as homeschoolers on average are a grade or two ahead of public schoolers. I graduated in 11 years instead of 12, and I started school late (could of graduated in 10, honestly). However, it can be horrible if the parents are doing it for the wrong reasons like religious indoctrination. In my homeschool group, there were a lot of conservative Christians that thought homeschooling would be the best way to train (or in some cases, brainwash) their kids. In those cases, the kids got a great education, but were rather stunted when they came out of the system, and many turned to bad things like drugs, excessive sex, adultery, ect once they got out 'in the world' because they couldn't do many things at home.

So homeschool is a double edged sword. Its not for everyone, but for those seeking a great education by dedicated parents, its far superior to public school, because it provides a dynamic interaction in the student-teacher relationship. In my case, I didn't want regular sports, so my parents let us buy paintball guns and we had paintball teams in the homeschool group for many years. We were allowed to compensate some time in class for running our own businesses, and were allowed to pursue any sort of learning goals we wanted to after class, as classes were much shorter than public school. My entire homeschooling, I spent maybe 3-4hrs a day in studies versus public schools' length of 6-7 hours a day. It was a blast living right beside a school, and being able to play outside, while watching the public school kids being forced to go back into classes

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

homer said:
sapphi_snake said:

A question for Americans: Can someone please explain how homsechooling works? Who teaches the kids? Can they do this all the way through high school? Do they recieve a diploma? Is it a good ideea in general?

The parent and or private teacher will teach the child(usually it is the parent). You can do this up through High School. They will receive a diploma. They still have to take state designated tests, such as tcap in tennessee. They also have to take the act in order toget their diploma. It seems like most kids who are home schooled tend to come off to me as antisocial, yet smarter, so it really depends on how you want them to come out. (note, I am generalizing so results may vary)

The anti-social aspects really come from how the kids are allowed to interact socially outside of the home. I don't argue the steriotype can exist, but its easily prevented. In my case, I had a great Church youth group I was able to be a part of, which allowed a lot of social interaction and we had group classes with all the homeschool group like karate, biology, debate class, ect.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

flashpoint_1230 said:
homer said:
masterb8tr said:

why do US use fahrenheit?


I have no idea. I think it is just to show we are different, and therefore better. :)/s

Mostly because we are stubborn.

Yeah... The rest of the world uses the metric system, we use the imperial system. Maybe it's to try and make us sound elitist...

I know the answer to this. In fact the US has tried to switch to metric, however think about it. How many signs and labels on the roads and menus and everything has to be changed? The costs are enormous to everyone, government especially.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Of course.

Some Republicans hate Bill Clinton because he had an affair in the White House, sold off a lot of military assets in the wake of the Cold War, and so on. Generally, though, I'd say most are pretty cool with him (and in time, I became cool with him too after seeing what Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and Obama have been like).

I hate FDR with a deep passion, and there are a lot out there that do...But we're in the vocal minority. Most consider FDR a saint because he 'got us out of the depression' and led America during most of WW2. Being in the wake of Hoover made him look good, too.

A few hate Reagan too because he was very pro-military, and was very conservative. Iran-Contra was a big deal at the time, too, and some people dislike him for that.

Usually, though, the three mentioned are the most popular presidents of the last century, so there are certainly a lot of people that like them.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.