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Forums - General Discussion - Cultural Questions, What do you wanna know? ask them here

sapphi_snake said:

A question for Americans: Can someone please explain how homsechooling works? Who teaches the kids? Can they do this all the way through high school? Do they recieve a diploma? Is it a good ideea in general?

I was homeschooled from Pre-K until 8th grade, so I can help.

Until about 4th or 5th grade (ages 9-10), parents usually teach their children. Some parents choose to use a set curriculum that they have purchased (comes with books, DVDs, CDs, etc. An example is the SonLight curriculum), while others pick and choose what they would like to do.

For a lot of people, co-ops are popular. It's when a group of homeschooled families join together to offer classes taught at a recreational level. (ie. things like geography, science, theater, etc.) That can supplement at-home learning.

My mom got sick in 2004, while my sister and I were in 5th grade. From that point on until 2007 when she recovered, my sister and I homeschooled ourselves. A lot of the material for older children is available on DVD or CD (for example, Pre-Algebra was a DVD set and textbook, and Algebra I was a CD and textbook). So we were able to check each other's work.

A lot of people choose to homeschool because it allows one to tailor a curriculum to meet a child's individual needs. For example, I was reading and spelling at a 6th grade level when I was in Kindergarten. If I had been in a public school, I would've had to dial back. But with homeschooling, I was allowed to progress at my own pace. Now, I'm almost a senior in high school. I skipped a year of high school and would probably be described as a high-achieving student.

I decided to go to a public high school, because it is important to gain world experience before college (I was socially inactive before high school), but high school degrees are available for homeschoolers. Some take the GED, while others choose to take classes at accredited co-ops that give out diplomas.

I think that home-schooling is a good idea. Although you hear a lot of stories about inept homeschooled children, as long as the children are allowed to develop socially (extra-curriculars, etc.), it should turn out fine. And if a child doesn't fit into a classroom environment well, homeschooling can be a good option because it can help a parent to hone in on their child's issues and to address them.

Also, with homeschooling, there is very little homework. I started at 9 AM and was finished by noon. Class periods in American high schools today are either too long or too short, and unfocused, for the most part.

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mrstickball said:
Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Of course.

Some Republicans hate Bill Clinton because he had an affair in the White House, sold off a lot of military assets in the wake of the Cold War, and so on. Generally, though, I'd say most are pretty cool with him (and in time, I became cool with him too after seeing what Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and Obama have been like).

I hate FDR with a deep passion, and there are a lot out there that do...But we're in the vocal minority. Most consider FDR a saint because he 'got us out of the depression' and led America during most of WW2. Being in the wake of Hoover made him look good, too.

A few hate Reagan too because he was very pro-military, and was very conservative. Iran-Contra was a big deal at the time, too, and some people dislike him for that.

Usually, though, the three mentioned are the most popular presidents of the last century, so there are certainly a lot of people that like them.

The best (and arguably most popular) Prime Minister of the last half century is also the most controversial, actually. I think half of Britain would call her one of the best ever, and the other half one of the worst ever.

I suppose the same could be said of Lincoln, though. Roughly what proportion of Americans hate Lincoln compared to those who love him? He always seems to top the Best Presidents lists, but I've spoken to quite a few people who hate his guts (they were Southerners, of course, but still).

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
mrstickball said:
Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Of course.

Some Republicans hate Bill Clinton because he had an affair in the White House, sold off a lot of military assets in the wake of the Cold War, and so on. Generally, though, I'd say most are pretty cool with him (and in time, I became cool with him too after seeing what Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and Obama have been like).

I hate FDR with a deep passion, and there are a lot out there that do...But we're in the vocal minority. Most consider FDR a saint because he 'got us out of the depression' and led America during most of WW2. Being in the wake of Hoover made him look good, too.

A few hate Reagan too because he was very pro-military, and was very conservative. Iran-Contra was a big deal at the time, too, and some people dislike him for that.

Usually, though, the three mentioned are the most popular presidents of the last century, so there are certainly a lot of people that like them.

The best (and arguably most popular) Prime Minister of the last half century is also the most controversial, actually. I think half of Britain would call her one of the best ever, and the other half one of the worst ever.

I suppose the same could be said of Lincoln, though. Roughly what proportion of Americans hate Lincoln compared to those who love him? He always seems to top the Best Presidents lists, but I've spoken to quite a few people who hate his guts (they were Southerners, of course, but still).

Hmm...The actions of other humans are always going to be seen as subjective, right? Because morals are obviously subjective, so if someone does something that you hate, you'll hate them, even if you're in the minority.

What's the difference between America's education and Europe's education?


which part of europe? i think every nation in europa has it's own education system


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Around the Network
Kantor said:
oldschoolfool said:



Norwegians/Swedes/Danes/Dutch: How do so many of you speak English? Seriously, 91% of Norway, and close to 90% for each of the others.

for norwegians at least its mandatory part of the education. We also dont dub tv-series and movies so that helps i guess. I actually learned more english from games than school lol

Kantor said:
oldschoolfool said:

do you really drink tea and eat triscuits and pepermint disk and say cherrio and allo,top of the morning to yay,good sir. Do you also drink brandy and try to outwit each other with your proper english speak?

I wish. Britain is now almost indistinguishable from America and Western Europe in terms of culture. I haven't heard anyone use proper English speak for a very long time.

A question for religious people in general: how can you follow a religion if you disagree with even one of its teachings? As the word of God, shouldn't every holy book be infallible?

For Russians, if there are any: How do you feel about Putin at the moment?

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.

Norwegians/Swedes/Danes/Dutch: How do so many of you speak English? Seriously, 91% of Norway, and close to 90% for each of the others.

It's ambiguous.

From one side, he did marvels for Russian standing in the world, and improved life in Russia as well, however, he is quite intimidating and has a shady past and shady rumours around him... as well as the whole Litvinenko affair.

Good guy, would never want to meet him ;)

Any questions for somebody from NZ? =P

masterb8tr said:
Kantor said:
oldschoolfool said:



Norwegians/Swedes/Danes/Dutch: How do so many of you speak English? Seriously, 91% of Norway, and close to 90% for each of the others.

for norwegians at least its mandatory part of the education. We also dont dub tv-series and movies so that helps i guess. I actually learned more english from games than school lol

There's a Danish exchange student at my school, and he speaks perfect English. Absolutely no accent at all whatsoever, which kind of surprised me. (We had a Polish exchange student, and we have Korean and Chinese exchange students, and they had/have accents)

can someone tell me why hugo chavez believes capitalism destroyed life on mars?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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