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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

fordy said:
hehey said:

Enough with the stupid conspiracy theory's about the big bad corporations trying to screw the consumers.

You know what i know for sure, itl be better for the industry if hackeers arent allowed to mess with shit, they all talk about homebrew or some other bullshit like that all the time but what always comes form these things is game pirating and cheaters cheating legit gamers in online games. Fuck hackers, GEOhot can go to hell and i hope Sony crushes his ass into teh grounds and feeds him to teh worms. Ever since GEOhot publishe dthis key, what good has come from it?, NOTHING THATS WHAT, all i see and here are people using to cheat on modern warfare or messing with PSN, i know who the bad guy is in this case, its GEOhot and all others like him.

If you wanna hack something so bad then get a computer.

Take your hate away from hackers and put it into a proper server-side security system for the PS3, that bans cheaters. Honestly, thinking that a pipe dream client-side security system would hold up is ridiculous.

away from hackers?, they are the bad guys here, what?, your trying to tell me that bad security is a good excuse for assholes to hack things?, oh dont blame hackers you say, blame sony for not being able to stop them, well gues what i see here, sony is trying to stop them, in court, and i hope they win.

Take your hacker support and shove it, the only thing hackers enable is piracy and cheating, they should be crushed, but obviously dont care, too cheap to buy your video games i guess huh.

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hehey said:

away from hackers?, they are the bad guys here, what?, your trying to tell me that bad security is a good excuse for assholes to hack things?, oh dont blame hackers you say, blame sony for not being able to stop them, well gues what i see here, sony is trying to stop them, in court, and i hope they win.


Take your hacker support and shove it, the only thing hackers enable is piracy and cheating, they should be crushed.

Viewed from such a narrow perspective....

If your keys are left out on the front porch, wouldn't you think that you MIGHT get robbed? Once again, Sony has no control over PS3s at the client side, nor should they.

However, they own the PSN servers which enable online play, and are free to kick or ban whoever they like from there. It's been demonstrated on all other game systems before it that this works.

Sony are using the excuse of protection to want to enact complete control over your PS3. Sony's business model has involved control all the way to the consumer before, whether it's on a legitimate system of theirs or not. Read up on the DRM Rootkit scandal.

its sad that people so many people are willing to donate money to this moron but they arnt willing to donate money to a charity or a country that just had a natual disaster

Sweet. I would've given him something if it wasn't already over...

That happens when you're too lazy to check your funds >.>

fordy said:
hehey said:

away from hackers?, they are the bad guys here, what?, your trying to tell me that bad security is a good excuse for assholes to hack things?, oh dont blame hackers you say, blame sony for not being able to stop them, well gues what i see here, sony is trying to stop them, in court, and i hope they win.


Take your hacker support and shove it, the only thing hackers enable is piracy and cheating, they should be crushed.

Viewed from such a narrow perspective....

If your keys are left out on the front porch, wouldn't you think that you MIGHT get robbed? Once again, Sony has no control over PS3s at the client side, nor should they.

However, they own the PSN servers which enable online play, and are free to kick or ban whoever they like from there. It's been demonstrated on all other game systems before it that this works.

Sony are using the excuse of protection to want to enact complete control over your PS3. Sony's business model has involved control all the way to the consumer before, whether it's on a legitimate system of theirs or not. Read up on the DRM Rootkit scandal.

People know your full of it when you have to exagerate to this extent, sony didnt leave the keys on the front door, it took years for hackers to find it (obviously took a long time). 

And even if it did apply, it doesnt matter where people find your keys, robing people is illegal and amoral and a douch thing to do either way, how you could try justify it is disgusting, but i guess thats the kind of people you and hackers like these are, disgusting. "oh,m its the victims fault they got robbed, why are you going after the robbers?,", get out.

I wish they could ban people from PSN as they wish, but it seems the hacker bastards that you support wont even let them do that. WHta was taht new PSN hack again?, doesnt it let people unban themselves and even ban legitament users?, of how noble these hackers are... they are the scum of the earth.

SOny is protecting legidament users from dealing with cheating hackers and from hackers enabling thisngs that allow piracy, GEOhot is one of the, what he did enables piracy and cheating, tehy should show no mercy.

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hehey said:

People know your full of it when you have to exagerate to this extent, sony didnt leave the keys on the front door, it took years for hackers to find it (obviously took a long time). 

And even if it did apply, it doenst matter where people find youyr keys, robing people is illegal and amorla and a douch thing to do either way, how you could try justify it is disgusting, but i guess thats the kind of people hackers like these are, disgusting.

I wish they could ban people from PSN as they wish, but it seems the hacker bastards that you support wont even let them do that. WHta was taht new PSN hack again?, doesnt it let people unban themselves and even ban legitament users?, of how noble these hackers are... they are the scum of the earth.

SOny is protecting legidament users from dealing with cheating hackers and from hackers enabling thisngs that allow piracy, GEOhot is one of the, what he did enables piracy and cheating, tehy should show no mercy.

It only took hackers years because they weren't looking. However, once they started after the OtherOS capability was taken away, it didn't take them long. Sony had a major hole in it's security where the random seed generator returned the same number each time. Sony literally opened the door for them to take the key.

Once again, read my previous post. I am all for banning from PSN. Sony needs to pursue it more. If hacks are indeed made to change PSN account details, then Sony can fix those. It's a server security issue, which is theirs to begin with. I do not condone piracy or cheating.

Keep in mind that hackers do NOT always mean they are pirates or cheaters. Hackers also add homebrew functionality. What if a hacker added PS2 backward compatibility for PS3 systems for people to use?

fordy said:
hehey said:

People know your full of it when you have to exagerate to this extent, sony didnt leave the keys on the front door, it took years for hackers to find it (obviously took a long time). 

And even if it did apply, it doenst matter where people find youyr keys, robing people is illegal and amorla and a douch thing to do either way, how you could try justify it is disgusting, but i guess thats the kind of people hackers like these are, disgusting.

I wish they could ban people from PSN as they wish, but it seems the hacker bastards that you support wont even let them do that. WHta was taht new PSN hack again?, doesnt it let people unban themselves and even ban legitament users?, of how noble these hackers are... they are the scum of the earth.

SOny is protecting legidament users from dealing with cheating hackers and from hackers enabling thisngs that allow piracy, GEOhot is one of the, what he did enables piracy and cheating, tehy should show no mercy.

It only took hackers years because they weren't looking. However, once they started after the OtherOS capability was taken away, it didn't take them long. Sony had a major hole in it's security where the random seed generator returned the same number each time. Sony literally opened the door for them to take the key.

Once again, read my previous post. I am all for banning from PSN. Sony needs to pursue it more. If hacks are indeed made to change PSN account details, then Sony can fix those. It's a server security issue, which is theirs to begin with. I do not condone piracy or cheating.

Keep in mind that hackers do NOT always mean they are pirates or cheaters. Hackers also add homebrew functionality. What if a hacker added PS2 backward compatibility for PS3 systems for people to use?

question, can sony just make a new console with better security? like ms did.

fordy said:

1) It only took hackers years because they weren't looking. However, once they started after the OtherOS capability was taken away, it didn't take them long. Sony had a major hole in it's security where the random seed generator returned the same number each time. Sony literally opened the door for them to take the key.

2) Once again, read my previous post. I am all for banning from PSN. Sony needs to pursue it more. If hacks are indeed made to change PSN account details, then Sony can fix those. It's a server security issue, which is theirs to begin with. I do not condone piracy or cheating.

3) Keep in mind that hackers do NOT always mean they are pirates or cheaters. Hackers also add homebrew functionality. What if a hacker added PS2 backward compatibility for PS3 systems for people to use?


1) Justifies nothing, and OtherOS was taken away cause hackers were using it to help them hack.

2) you and GEOhot and whoever else can say you dont condone piracy or cheating or whatever, but all tahts come from GEOhots hacker ways IS cheating or piracy, and its not teh first either, when he hacked the Iphone you know what came from taht?, piracy tahts what. Sony didnt open the door, GEOhot and other like him opened the door, anmd he should take responsibility for hisw actions.

3) Hackers are their enablers, let me ask you, where is this "Homebrew" they are always going on about?, where is "Linux support" aka their whole justification, all thats come as a result of these assholes hacking PS3 is cheating and people messing with PSN, THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

i suppose taht when GEOhot hacks the Xperia Play like he promised he would and the the pirates and cheaters come youl be here defending him too huh?, cause he doesnt condone it?, hes an anabler and he deserves whatever it that Sony does to him at court, which i hope hurts him very badly.

fordy said:
hehey said:

People know your full of it when you have to exagerate to this extent, sony didnt leave the keys on the front door, it took years for hackers to find it (obviously took a long time). 

And even if it did apply, it doenst matter where people find youyr keys, robing people is illegal and amorla and a douch thing to do either way, how you could try justify it is disgusting, but i guess thats the kind of people hackers like these are, disgusting.

I wish they could ban people from PSN as they wish, but it seems the hacker bastards that you support wont even let them do that. WHta was taht new PSN hack again?, doesnt it let people unban themselves and even ban legitament users?, of how noble these hackers are... they are the scum of the earth.

SOny is protecting legidament users from dealing with cheating hackers and from hackers enabling thisngs that allow piracy, GEOhot is one of the, what he did enables piracy and cheating, tehy should show no mercy.

It only took hackers years because they weren't looking. However, once they started after the OtherOS capability was taken away, it didn't take them long. Sony had a major hole in it's security where the random seed generator returned the same number each time. Sony literally opened the door for them to take the key.

Once again, read my previous post. I am all for banning from PSN. Sony needs to pursue it more. If hacks are indeed made to change PSN account details, then Sony can fix those. It's a server security issue, which is theirs to begin with. I do not condone piracy or cheating.

Keep in mind that hackers do NOT always mean they are pirates or cheaters. Hackers also add homebrew functionality. What if a hacker added PS2 backward compatibility for PS3 systems for people to use?

That's actually complete bullshit. I remember articles popping up left and right during 2007 and 2008 about how certain hackers tried to hack the PS3 and failed. They made constant attempts and none of them worked, so saying that they didn't care is only a sign of ignorance that starts when someone thinks the hacking scene progresses as soon as Geohot makes an attempt on something. 

Hackers are completely in the wrong in your scenario as well. If someone is attacked, I don't blame the victim for not being able to protect themselves, when the attack shouldn't of even have happened in the first place.

Hackers may not all be piraters and cheaters, but I'm guessing that the majority of them are. I'd also like to know what large homebrew functionalities have been added to the PS3 since it was hacked, because I can already list several games that have been leaked, online games that have been cheated in and a few extra illegal issues that have popped up since the hack. The negatives seem to be outweighing the pros by a pretty decent margin.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

KylieDog said:
superchunk said:

While I get irritated at what his hacking has allowed on the PS3 and overall Pirating in general, I am 100% behind him in this battle.

When you purchase any product, that product is yours. If you choose to set it on fire you can. If you choose to paint it pink with yellow dots, you can. If you choose to completely re-purpose the product via its software, you fucking can. Its yours.

Its the same argument I have against the smart phone industry. I shouldn't have to break my warranty by rooting my Android phone just to remove all the horrible bloat ware Verizon pushes on the device. The company has a right to preinstall whatever the fuck they want, but I should not be forced to use it and have every right to remove it so I can have the device operate the way I want it to. If I go buy a Dell PC and take it home, I can relatively easily remove any preinstalled software. However, I can't on my phone?

For some reason companies have moved into a setup where they think they have the legal right to force their consumers to use a device only the way they decide. That's BS and that's why I support Geohot is this court case.

I want this precedent set so we the consumer will actually own our products again.

You are one of the people that do not even understand what he has done wrong.

Enlighten me on what he did unlawfully or morally wrong.

He hacked his personal belongings for his stated purpose to personalize it with what he wants on it.

He then gave the tools for other legal hackers to do the same.

Is it his fault others took that information and used it to do illegal actions? Well, by that same logic we should sue Budweiser, Coors, [insert other alcoholic beverage company] into oblivion for every time some drunk crashes his car into a family van killing them all instead of the thieving asshole who stole the game.

We should sue Colt, Smith & Wesson, [insert gun manufacturer] every time a murder goes out on a rampage and kills anyone, instead of the lunatic who pulled the fucking trigger.

You all are being ignorant on the real situation that is actually happening. Until he is proven to be a thief, you have to take his word that he is simply wanting to add/remove functionality on his PS3. He knows it voids his warranty and probably means he can't connect to PSN. That's his choice as its his account and his PS3.

As I stated earlier, I've rooted and personalized my Android phone. I know it voided my warranty, but it was the price I was willing to pay to remove the massive amount of bloatware Verizon forced upon me. Have I done anything illegal? Well, if Geohot loses, then yes I have. But, I have not stolen anything? I have not unlocked any pay service Verizon offers? I have simply made MY PHONE work in a superior way than Verizon and Samsung decided to sell it to me. That is my choice with MY PHONE.