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KylieDog said:
superchunk said:

While I get irritated at what his hacking has allowed on the PS3 and overall Pirating in general, I am 100% behind him in this battle.

When you purchase any product, that product is yours. If you choose to set it on fire you can. If you choose to paint it pink with yellow dots, you can. If you choose to completely re-purpose the product via its software, you fucking can. Its yours.

Its the same argument I have against the smart phone industry. I shouldn't have to break my warranty by rooting my Android phone just to remove all the horrible bloat ware Verizon pushes on the device. The company has a right to preinstall whatever the fuck they want, but I should not be forced to use it and have every right to remove it so I can have the device operate the way I want it to. If I go buy a Dell PC and take it home, I can relatively easily remove any preinstalled software. However, I can't on my phone?

For some reason companies have moved into a setup where they think they have the legal right to force their consumers to use a device only the way they decide. That's BS and that's why I support Geohot is this court case.

I want this precedent set so we the consumer will actually own our products again.

You are one of the people that do not even understand what he has done wrong.

Enlighten me on what he did unlawfully or morally wrong.

He hacked his personal belongings for his stated purpose to personalize it with what he wants on it.

He then gave the tools for other legal hackers to do the same.

Is it his fault others took that information and used it to do illegal actions? Well, by that same logic we should sue Budweiser, Coors, [insert other alcoholic beverage company] into oblivion for every time some drunk crashes his car into a family van killing them all instead of the thieving asshole who stole the game.

We should sue Colt, Smith & Wesson, [insert gun manufacturer] every time a murder goes out on a rampage and kills anyone, instead of the lunatic who pulled the fucking trigger.

You all are being ignorant on the real situation that is actually happening. Until he is proven to be a thief, you have to take his word that he is simply wanting to add/remove functionality on his PS3. He knows it voids his warranty and probably means he can't connect to PSN. That's his choice as its his account and his PS3.

As I stated earlier, I've rooted and personalized my Android phone. I know it voided my warranty, but it was the price I was willing to pay to remove the massive amount of bloatware Verizon forced upon me. Have I done anything illegal? Well, if Geohot loses, then yes I have. But, I have not stolen anything? I have not unlocked any pay service Verizon offers? I have simply made MY PHONE work in a superior way than Verizon and Samsung decided to sell it to me. That is my choice with MY PHONE.