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fordy said:
hehey said:

away from hackers?, they are the bad guys here, what?, your trying to tell me that bad security is a good excuse for assholes to hack things?, oh dont blame hackers you say, blame sony for not being able to stop them, well gues what i see here, sony is trying to stop them, in court, and i hope they win.


Take your hacker support and shove it, the only thing hackers enable is piracy and cheating, they should be crushed.

Viewed from such a narrow perspective....

If your keys are left out on the front porch, wouldn't you think that you MIGHT get robbed? Once again, Sony has no control over PS3s at the client side, nor should they.

However, they own the PSN servers which enable online play, and are free to kick or ban whoever they like from there. It's been demonstrated on all other game systems before it that this works.

Sony are using the excuse of protection to want to enact complete control over your PS3. Sony's business model has involved control all the way to the consumer before, whether it's on a legitimate system of theirs or not. Read up on the DRM Rootkit scandal.

People know your full of it when you have to exagerate to this extent, sony didnt leave the keys on the front door, it took years for hackers to find it (obviously took a long time). 

And even if it did apply, it doesnt matter where people find your keys, robing people is illegal and amoral and a douch thing to do either way, how you could try justify it is disgusting, but i guess thats the kind of people you and hackers like these are, disgusting. "oh,m its the victims fault they got robbed, why are you going after the robbers?,", get out.

I wish they could ban people from PSN as they wish, but it seems the hacker bastards that you support wont even let them do that. WHta was taht new PSN hack again?, doesnt it let people unban themselves and even ban legitament users?, of how noble these hackers are... they are the scum of the earth.

SOny is protecting legidament users from dealing with cheating hackers and from hackers enabling thisngs that allow piracy, GEOhot is one of the, what he did enables piracy and cheating, tehy should show no mercy.