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Forums - Sales Discussion - 2007 is now settled - will 2008 be any different?

If Sony can make sure for certain that their big guns all release in 2008, then I have reason to believe that PS3 could make a few heads turn. It's an impressive lineup:

  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Killzone 2
  • Haze
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Tekken 6
  • White Knight Story
  • Disgea 3

I don't know if you guys thought the PS3 would cut the price of the PS3, but needless to say, a year after its release and there is a $200 cheaper PS3 on the market. I just wonder if Sony will feel "froggy" and decide to jump on the next price cut.

Still, I think '08 will still be all about the Wii, but I think it may be close next year.

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i have a prediction. wiifit will become a worldwide phenomenon similar to the first pokemon game (but probably not quite as big)

The key points for me:

- the PS3 won't pick up anywhere as much ground on the 360 as people expect (if any)

- production for the Wii will continue to increase, and we *might* see some form of price cut into Xmas '08

- all three markets are going to become increasingly "casualised" (focus on casual titles, all platforms)

Agree completely on the price/format war between 360/PS3 - this is the year for it, and MS could well get nasty.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

My thinking the X360 will be outsold by the ps3 in every single market except america.

And consoles will end up like this

X360: $179.99
Pro with game: $299.99
Elite: $379.99

80gb with game: $449.99
40gb: $349.99

new colors: $229.99



As I said in The Source's post about 2008:

"2008 will be completely about momentum.

To kick things off, there will be no new consoles or major redesigns next year. Yes, the PS2 gets lighter and MS and Sony will continue to reduce the costs for their respective consoles. And yes, we may see some new skus from all the major players, especially Nintendo with a DVD playing Wii. But in the end there will be nothing from a design standpoint that will drive sales. So what will?

First and foremost, the games. There are some heavy hitters in 2008. A few known and many unknowns. It's a given that Nintendo will continue to milk their franchises (SSB, Mario Kart, etc.) and also their non-games (Wii Fit, Music, etc.). And both the 360 and PS3 will get GTA IV. Gears of War 2 should be ready by the end of the year and hopefully Konami can deliver MGS4. If you thought 2007 was great, you ain't seen nothing yet!

And then we have the price cuts. It's not an if, but a when and how much for all the players in 2008. Nintendo cannot price its machine more than a base 360. And while it may hurt the bottom line a bit, both MS and Sony need to continue to push the price of entry down on their respective machines. This is especially important for the PS3 as it costs the most right now even though it may also provide the greatest value with the included Blu-ray player.

And the wild card is supply. When will the Wii shortages stop in the US? The public has put up with Nintendo's excuses for over a year now. It's time for them to either shape up or the public will go elsewhere."

I'm not quite ready to make a full prediction for next year, but overall I expect things to continue to get better for most of the systems out there. On the handheld front the DS continues to do well but the momentum shifts from Japan to the America and Others to pick up for the slack. The PSP continues to do better in 2008 than it did in 2007 but it won't catch up to the DS juggernaut. The 360, PS3 and Wii will all have their best year yet in 2008. It's just a matter of how good and will it create any differences on who leads in each market. In the Americas, the Wii should overtake the 360 sometime in 2008 but the PS3 will remain in 3rd place. In Japan, the Wii will continue to remain in first but it won't outsell the PS3 regularly like it did in 2007. The 360 will pick up slightly, but still remain a non-event in Japan. Europe will see a shift with the Wii continuing to lead but the PS3 keeping up and overtaking the 360.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

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leo-j said:
My thinking the X360 will be outsold by the ps3 in every single market except america.

And consoles will end up like this

X360: $179.99
Pro with game: $299.99
Elite: $379.99

80gb with game: $449.99
40gb: $349.99

new colors: $229.99

i don't think the 360 would ever be that much cheaper than the wii.

Famine said:

If Sony can make sure for certain that their big guns all release in 2008, then I have reason to believe that PS3 could make a few heads turn. It's an impressive lineup:

  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Killzone 2
  • Haze
  • Tekken 6
  • White Knight Story
  • Disgea 3


 Since when these games are "impressive" in terms of sales?


Wii is going to sell at least 90% more than this year. So 55m+ is about the minimum for wii, no matter what sony fanboys says.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

jhlennon1 said:
shams said:
leo-j said:
I can tell you hate the ps3 :P

No, I just strongly dislike Sony (and ever have since the Liksang fiasco). This is coming from someone who loved the PS2 (bought it on day#1 for $1000 here in Aust...).

I hope I have written nothing but fact. Opinionated fact yes - but fact all the same.


What are you views about the 360 in regards to their Japan, Europe and lack of killer ap exclusives next year?

All the big boys are keeping their software cards close to their chest for '08. We don't really know what they have hitting next year. But I think the 360 potentially(?) has the best software lineup!

  • Halo Wars
  • Too Human
  • Gears of War II
  • GTA
  • Alan Wake
  • Banjo Kajooie III
(etc - Fable?, Bioshock II?, etc..)

The challenge for MS is Europe - they need an exclusive, awesome football title (or something like that).

And re: sports - lets not forget that the BIG event next year will be the Olympics. We have already seen the strength of M&S - there will be other Olympics branded titles. If any of the consoles can get an exclusive, quality title - it could make a big difference. No World Cup football, or anything else like that on(?).

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Final comment on next year (have to run):

Wii vrs PS3 is going to start looking more and more like DS vrs PSP (I don't think it will ever turn into this completely, but it will more strongly resemble it with numbers).

Just imagine what would have happened this year if there was NO Wii supply shortage (or if Ninty could produce 3m / month).

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

carlos710 said:
Famine said:

If Sony can make sure for certain that their big guns all release in 2008, then I have reason to believe that PS3 could make a few heads turn. It's an impressive lineup:

  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Killzone 2
  • Haze
  • Tekken 6
  • White Knight Story
  • Disgea 3

Since when these games are "impressive" in terms of sales?


Wii is going to sell at least 90% more than this year. So 55m+ is about the minimum for wii, no matter what sony fanboys says.

90% increase wow, because it is selling out in US? I got news for you Wii is not selling out in Europe or Japan. I dont believe Nintendo can sell 2m/month, specially with the low sales Japan will have after few months.

 Edit: For those who missunderstood me I dont mean that Wii sales will slow down but it will sell around 40m LTD end of 2008. The sales will incease but not with 90%. Wii will sell around 19m LTD end of 2007 with 13months with 2 christmases. Next year will be 12 months and 1 christmas around 21m sales.