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jhlennon1 said:
shams said:
leo-j said:
I can tell you hate the ps3 :P

No, I just strongly dislike Sony (and ever have since the Liksang fiasco). This is coming from someone who loved the PS2 (bought it on day#1 for $1000 here in Aust...).

I hope I have written nothing but fact. Opinionated fact yes - but fact all the same.


What are you views about the 360 in regards to their Japan, Europe and lack of killer ap exclusives next year?

All the big boys are keeping their software cards close to their chest for '08. We don't really know what they have hitting next year. But I think the 360 potentially(?) has the best software lineup!

  • Halo Wars
  • Too Human
  • Gears of War II
  • GTA
  • Alan Wake
  • Banjo Kajooie III
(etc - Fable?, Bioshock II?, etc..)

The challenge for MS is Europe - they need an exclusive, awesome football title (or something like that).

And re: sports - lets not forget that the BIG event next year will be the Olympics. We have already seen the strength of M&S - there will be other Olympics branded titles. If any of the consoles can get an exclusive, quality title - it could make a big difference. No World Cup football, or anything else like that on(?).

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